Welcome Back Message

You likely don’t need reminding, but this coming Tuesday, September 3rd is the first day of school. 

It can be hard for all of us to transition from summer mode to the routines of school life.  What I have learned is that, though we dread the transition, it is never as hard as we think it will be.  Within a few days of being back to school, everyone settles in and enjoys being together to learn, play, and pray.

Our school theme for this year is from Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Like all scripture, this verse is rich in meaning.  On one hand, it does encourage us to hope for and believe in the strength of Christ to accomplish things.  Another the translation of this verse says “I can endure all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  I may succeed or fail at various activities in life, but it is the strength that Christ gives me that helps me persevere through it all.  There will be times for all of us this school year that are trying; a difficult meeting, a big Math test, an awkward conversation with a friend, an argument with a spouse etc…  Our faith in Christ strengthens us and gives us hope.  He has a plan and He loves us.  We find strength and peace in knowing that because of His love and His sacrifice, it is all going to be all right in the end.

I look forward to a year of growing together in all ways, but especially as a family of faith.  May we all do and endure great things this year through Christ who strengthens us all.    

Welcome back to school this coming Tuesday, September 5th.  School starts at 8:50am and ends at noon that day.