Friday Feed - October 1
“One Family One Hope in Christ”
Parent Memo for the upcoming week of October 4- October 8, 2021
Next Week’s Events:
Wednesday, October 6
Food bank Wednesday
CISVA Cross Country Meet at Swangard stadium for finalists
1:45pm- School Mass led by Grade 5
2:30pm- Dismissal
Thursday, October 7
Photo Day!
CCS soccer RED (home) vs Star of the Sea
*Please note sports practices will not be put on the Friday Feed as there are often changes made by coaches that may not be reflected in the Friday Feed. Please go by your coaches information. All games, first and last practices of the season will be on the Friday Feed as well as on the google calendar.
Important Information
Thank you to all of our staff who worked so hard to provide our students with many activities on Truth and Reconciliation this week. It was a week where we were all able to honour those children whose unmarked graves were found as well as residential school survivors, learn more about our local First Nations bands on whose unceded land we live on, and hear first hand from Deacon Rennie Nahanee how we can support, connect and build relationships with First Nations people both within and outside of our community.
New PHO mask mandate- Dr. Henry announced today that the mask mandate now extends to K-3 students. Parents of students in K-3, please ensure that your child has their mask with them on Monday. The following was shared today:
As anticipated, K-12 case counts are increasing, as those under the age of 12 are not yet eligible to receive a vaccination.
The volume of testing for K-12 students has increased dramatically but the 5 -11 age group has the lowest percentage of positive diagnoses among the unvaccinated population.
Transmission continues to be primarily from home or community gatherings/activities outside of school.
The Delta variant is more infectious but young people are experiencing milder symptoms and illness.
Getting vaccinated when accessible, staying home when you are sick, proper hand cleaning protocols and mask use are all effective ways to control the spread of COVID-19.
October 3 is Safe Haven Sunday, an initiative from the Archdiocese of Vancouver that teaches families how to make their home a safe place. Please click here to read more about this event. All families will have received a booklet that went home this week.
Next week is the last week for boys shorts- starting October 11, it will be full uniform for boys. Please make sure that your child(ren) always has their sweater with them on school mass days.
Walkathon: Pledge sheets, letter and weekly tally slips have been sent home and letter emailed so families can click on the giving link. It is important that you record all pledges on the pledge sheet, including those that are online. Please indicate if the pledge is an online pledge, a cash donation or a check (made out to Precious Blood Parish). As well, please be reminded that only donations of $20 and more are eligible for a tax receipt. Attached is a sample pledge from for you to look at that covers the 3 scenarios mentioned above.
Please take note of the updated Parent Participation Policy that reflects changes made for this coming year.
Work bee this Saturday 9am-12noon. All are welcome! Please register on OnVolunteers! Please bring rakes, gardening gloves and tools.
September Slideshow link Vimeo (password in email message)
From the PFG
Krispy Kreme Donuts: $11.00 a dozen
Donut Pickup: Friday Oct 15 after Walk-a thon
Last day to order: Wed Oct 6
CLICK ON THE LINK TO ORDER à Go to menu, click on SHOP ALL
Neufeld Farm Market Ordering details coming soon for Monday Nov. 1 pickup
Looking for businesses or people in our community that could offer us a fundraising package/product;
i.e. Norwex, Speciality Item or Craft, Gift Cards for products or services from your business, etc.
Please email the PFG with your fundraising details, including details, margins and available volumes.
Customer Pickup: Saturday Dec 4 at the school
Bottle Drive- Visit ANY Return- It Express bottle depot. Go to the kiosk, type the school phone number (604) 574-5151 , print the labels, label the bag and go...donating made easy!!
Email us for the Zoom link to collect community hours-
2021/2022 ANNUAL GOAL FOR PFG $75,000
Visit our page on the school website under COMMUNITY for current and ongoing fundraising information.
From the parish
Thank you for your continued support. Have a wonderful weekend!
God Bless,
C. Heah
*Please remember to perform daily health screenings prior to sending your child(ren) to school. Any students coming to school with any symptoms will be sent home immediately.
**All students are expected to be in Top Marks uniform items unless a request for exemption due to medical or financial reasons has been submitted to and approved by PEC.
Our eagle made with feather decorated by our CCS students.