Gr 6 Business Program Sale

Dear Parents of CCS Students,

 This Friday, June 7th, the Grade 6 class is going to be conducting a sale of rainbow loom bracelets and stress balls to the rest of the classes in the school. This is part of a Junior Achievers Program called “A Business of Our Own,” where the Grade 6 class has created two mini-businesses to learn about the benefits and costs of entrepreneurship.

 All proceeds from the sale are going to be given to charity. Stress balls are being sold from $1-$3 depending on the size that is sold. Rainbow loom bracelets are being sold for $1 for a regular bracelet, and $2 for a fishtail bracelet.

 One thing to note is that the stress balls contain flour. Because of this, I have arranged with teachers that have students with flour allergies in their class to come at the end of the day so as to keep flour away from those with allergies.

 Thank you for supporting the grade 6s in this endeavour!


 Mr. Grosjean