Walk-a-thon 2019

Sept. 25, 2019


Cloverdale Catholic School has always done it’s very best to be an inclusive community.  We welcome students of all different needs and abilities.  As our facilities age and the needs of our students become more diverse, it becomes increasingly important for us to invest in keeping our school as accessible as possible.

Our goal for fundraising this year is focussed on ways to make our school safe, inclusive, and welcoming for people of all needs and abilities.  Our first priority is continuing to add pieces to our playground that encourage inclusion and accessibility.  Inside our school, we will be looking at upgrading our wheelchair ramp, widening some doorways and washrooms, and buying furniture that will help all students feel safe and included. Finally, a small percentage of our walk-a-thon fundraising will also go to CHALICE Canada, a missionary organization providing education and essential needs to children in the developing world.

Thank you in advance for your generous support of this year’s walk-a-thon.  This year the students will be going back to a more traditional “walk” rather than the “fitness-a-thon” of the past couple of years.  The actual event is on Friday, October 18th.  Parents and friends will be most welcome to join in on the walk and activities taking place that day.

In the meantime, please help your child collect pledges.  Our school goal for this fundraiser is $20000.  That means each student should bring in about $60.   Students will receive a ticket for the prize draw for every $20 they collect.  There will be pledge tally days and small prize draws along the way.  Pledges can be recorded and collected using the pledge form sent home today or available for download below.  Even better and more convenient is pledging online through our website.  By pledging online, you will be immediately provided with a tax receipt for your donation.

*When sending in cash or cheques please always have all funds in a labelled envelope. Never send in loose cash.

Thanks for your continued support of Cloverdale Catholic School.


Jason Borkowski


Click here for a downloadable pledge form