Donations needed for Pub Night!

Dear Parents,

As you know, we will be having our Pub Night on May 27th at Rusty’s Pub and with that comes our auction. We have had a few generous donations, but we are in need of many more items and /or services that could be donated to help us raise funds at our auction. Our fundraising goal this year was a big one, and unfortunately we are not on track to reaching it. We are hoping to make our Pub Night a big fundraiser to help raise money for our school. We are looking for the following:

1) If you own a business that provides a service, we would love to have you consider donating a service that could be auctioned off.

2) Donation of prizes to auction off

3) Monetary donation to be used for purchasing some auction prizes

4) Perhaps you and some friends would consider putting together a themed basket to auction off- a picnic basket, a board games basket, a lego basket, a wine basket, Night out at the Movies basket, etc

5) Wine or other alcoholic beverage bottle that will be added to a basket.

6) Any other great ideas you may have!

Any help would be greatly appreciated to give us the opportunity to raise more money for our school.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Sandra Alvarez at

All prize donations can be brought to the school office.

Thank you in advance for your support of our school!

God bless,

C. Heah

Clive Heah