Christmas Concert News

Christmas Concert Important News

Our annual Christmas Concert takes place at 1 pm and 7 pm this Tuesday, December 17th.  All are welcome!  Here are some important tips and reminders as we head into the big performances:

1) The doors will open at 12:30 pm and 6:30 pm.  There is NO RESERVING SEATS ahead of time.  Items surreptitiously left on chairs beforehand intended to reserve seats will be unceremoniously removed to the back corner of the gym.  There will be room for everyone if we are courteous and charitable.

2) Students are to arrive for the evening performance at 6:30 pm.

3) We have two big sponsors for the evening and your participating is necessary to bring in their donations to the Guardian Angel Fund!

a) SYNCRONET is donating $1 to the Guardian Angel Fund for every non-perishable food item donated to the St. Vincent De Paul Food Bank.  Please drop your donations at the front as you enter the gym.

b) TOP MARKS is donating $5 for each person who wears a Christmas sweater to the concert.  Please stop by the front table so Miss Easterbrook can get a picture!

4) There is a concession available before, during, and after the performance.  Volunteer slots for baking contributions are still available on our On Volunteers website.  In addition to baking, our concession will offer hot and cold beverages, candy, and freshly made samosas.

Check your inbox later today for any last-minute announcements.

Thanks and see you tonight!