Christmas Concert Costumes
More information about the Christmas Concert is coming soon. Here is a list of the costume pieces needed...
Primary Christmas Concert
Preschool: Owls Brown shirt brown bottoms. Wings and a beak
Grade K: Mice. Grey t- shirt and Grey bottoms. Ears on a hairband or anything else you may come up with.
Grade 1: Doves white t- shirt white bottoms. Wings and a beak.
Grade 1/2: Donkeys Grey t-shirt and grey bottoms. Ears on a hairband or anything else you may come up with.
Grade 2/3: Cows white shirt and white pants with black spots all over. ears on hairband or whatever else you can come up with.
Grade 3: Lambs white t- shirt white bottoms. Lamb ears on a hairband.
Intermediate Christmas Concert
Rita: Casual brightly colored clothes
Narrator Clueless & Clueless they need to be dressed to look alike: oversized trench coat, white shirt with neck tie, loosened, fedora and anything else to add to detective look.
Anita: Casual brightly colored clothes. If possible, identical to Rita.
Speechless: Biblical period priestly attire. Long robe with rope belt. Phylacteries can be made out of off-white pieces of paper rolled into scrolls. These are placed up and down the sleeves.
Elizabeth: Biblical period attire. Head covered with long scarf.
Luke, Little Luke and the Shepherds: as cowboy as you can get. Jeans, spurs “ that jingle jangle” cowboy hat and boots etc. But add to the comedy by making him a shepherd as well, with long robe, rope belt and staff
Dancers: Biblical period attire. Heads covered with scarf.
Mary and Joseph: Dressed as should be.