A Few Reminders...

Dear Parents,

I hope that you are all enjoying the beautiful weather we are being blessed with this weekend! I have received a few emails requesting clarification on a few items:

  1. Primary students (K-Gr. 3) come Thursday- dismissal at 12:00pm

  2. Intermediate students (Gr. 4-7) come Friday- dismissal at 12:00pm. (Primary students do not come on this day)

  3. Drop off on 59 Ave field gate (across Cloverdale United Church) is for K, 1, 1/2, and 2. Grade 3-7 will use regular drop off area. My apologies for the confusion with this messaging. We eliminated our Grade 2/3 combined class and formed a straight Grade 2 and a straight Grade 3, however this change was not reflected on the map or the restart plan.

  4. Dismissal for all grades will happen from the school field.

  5. Drive through drop-off is still permitted in the morning. This area will be closed off to cars after school during pick up time.

  6. Class lists were emailed with the Friday memo. Please be reminded that there will be no changes made to the lists. A lot of thought went into the planning of classes by both outgoing and incoming teachers as well as last year’s administration team. Your trust and support of our staff is much appreciated.

  7. There is no need to have to let us know a return date now if you are choosing the Temporary Transition Plan. Parents are asked to give us a week’s notice prior to the October or November return date. Your child(ren)’s teacher(s) will reach out to you by September 21st with more information.

  8. There has been an incredible amount of work put into the restart plan in all of our catholic schools by the Superintendent’s Office, school administration and staff. Although we have a plan in place for a safe restart, there may be a need to change things along the way as we figure out what is working and what can be improved. I will continue to communicate with our parent community with any changes and adjustments, should they be needed.

  9. PLEASE remember to do a health screening daily before coming to school. If your child(ren) has any symptoms on the list, they are not permitted to come to school. This will be instrumental in keeping all of our students and staff healthy and safe.

  10. A BIG thank you to all of our parents who came out on Saturday for the work bee. A lot got accomplished and our grounds look great! A special thank you to Mrs. Jacqueline Johnson and Mr. Hung Tran for their hard work in helping with the completion of our summer projects.

  11. Thank you for your support of our used uniform sale this Saturday, and a BIG thank you to our used uniform sale coordinator Kate Paez for her hard work with this.

Our protocols at school will only be effective if the messaging at home is the same. Please remind your child(ren) at home of the importance of following and respecting our protocols. It is hard for children to come to school and be expected to follow protocols and rules if they are not enforced and modeled after they leave school. Thank you in advance for supporting and modelling what we do at school.

On a personal note, I would like to extend my appreciation to the PEC, Fr. Paul, our school staff, and parents for their warm welcome and support during my transition to Cloverdale Catholic School. This has certainly been a strange way to be starting in a new school community! You and your children are in our prayers as we prepare for the return to school, and I ask that you keep all of the staff at CCS in your prayers as well. Our staff has been working hard to ensure a safe return for your children, and their well-being and safety remains our priority. We can’t wait to welcome our students back! Thank you for your continued support of our school.

God bless,

C. Heah