Friday Feed - June 2


“Seeking Truth, Healing and Reconciliation”

Parent Memo for the upcoming week of
June 4-June 9, 2023

Next Week’s Events:


Monday, June 5- Spirit Wear Day
Grade 5 field trip to the Gulf of Georgia Cannery
Urban Safari visits Grade 3

Tuesday, June 6
Grade 1 field trip to Surrey Nature Center

Wednesday, June 7
2:30pm dismissal

Thursday, June 8
High Touch High Tech science workshops for K, 2, 4

Friday, June 9- PRO -D DAY
Staff Planning Day - NO SCHOOL

Upcoming Important Dates:

June 9- Pro-D Day
June 12- CISVA Track and Field Meet, Day 1
June 15- CISVA Track and Field Meet, Day 2
June 16- Fun Day!- Noon Dismissal
June 20- Year End awards assembly
June 22- Parent Appreciation Event (2:00pm- 3:00pm)
June 23- Grade 7 Farewell
June 28- Last day of school- Noon dismissal

Important Information

  • 2022/2023 Yearbooks- Please follow the link to order. Deadline is June 9.

    Yearbook ID: 14526123

  • Talent Show- Talent Show submissions to Mr. Heah! Deadline extended to June 9. Please click here for details.

  • Field Trips- Please ensure that if you are driving for field trips you have required documents (CRC, Driver Authorization Form) up to date at the office.

  • Parent Participation:

    Huge thank you to all the families who successfully completed their Parent participation hours.  With the easing of covid restrictions, it allowed for more opportunities to come together as a community to support the staff, students and Parish.  A job well done to all!   Going forward, families may begin to work on the 2023-2024 Parent participation hours starting June 1st.  Tasks have already been posted on onvolunteers.

    For help with logging onto the onVolunteers website, reach out to

    For those unable to complete their hours, emails have been sent out with the projected amount owing.  Families will be billed June 15th, 2023. If there is a discrepancy, please email the parent participation coordinator at


    Summer Maintenance

    We are looking for a team of parents to commit to weeding and watering a section of the parish and school grounds at least once a week over the summer months (accomodations can be made for vacation time).  Any work you do is credited towards the 2023/2024 school year.  If you are interested in being part of the Summer Maintenance Program, please email


    We have several unfilled Maintenance positions available for the coming school year:

    • Indoor Maintenance Coordinator - supervises cleaning inside the school and church

    • Outdoor Maintenance Coordinator - supervises maintenance jobs on the school and parish grounds during workbees. 

    • Tool/Equipment Manager - Helps to repair/maintain all the tools and power equipment used during the workbees (does not include maintenance on the lawn mowers).  This position must be filled by someone who has experience in repairing power tools. 

    If you are interested in any of these positions, please email maintenance@cloverdalecatholicschool.cafor more information. Ideally, anyone interested in the position for next year could attend the May 27th workbee as a training session, or even just to see if the position is something that fits with your schedule.  

    All unfilled positions will be posted on OnVolunteers on June 1. 

  • Parent Fundraising Group Weekly Memo



    Sunday, June 4th, 2023- 10am-2pm -CCS GYM

    SHOP gently loved children’s clothing, toys, books, baby equipment & more. Newborn to 13 years.

    SELL your lightly used pieces. Limited spaces available. $20/table.

    DO YOU JUST WANT THE KIDS STUFF OUT OF THE HOUSE; Clean the playroom, their bedrooms or just get rid of the stuff in the garage.

    DONATE your items to the PFG Table. Kat our fabulous PFG member will be collecting donations Friday June 2 until 3:30 and Sunday from 8:00-9:00am.

    Need more info- email

    Watch for next years calendar of events and fundraisers coming soon!

    JOIN/IDEAS FOR- The PFG for the 2023/2024 school year, CONTACT US at the below email


    SCHOOL WEBSITE UNDER COMMUNITY à  PFG à This page list and links you to all our current and ongoing fundraisers. 

    CCS FACEBOOK PAGE – Post regular and important events.


  • From the Parish:

    Weekly bulletin

Thank you for your continued support!
God Bless,

Mr. Heah and Mrs. Krammer