CCS Has Talent!!

Dear families and students,

It is that time of the year to gather up all of our talent into one place and share it with our community! In order to accommodate all students, as well as to allow for talents that may not necessarily be possible to share in person, we will once again be doing a virtual talent show. I ask that any students in K-7 who would like to share a talent with the CCS community submit their entry to me NO LATER THAN MAY 31. Please be reminded of the following requirements:

  • One entry per student please (either a solo entry or a group entry, but not both)

  • Entries should be no longer than 3 minutes

  • If music is part of the act, please ensure that lyrics are clean and appropriate

  • Dress should be modest and appropriate

The best way is to upload your video to google docs and then share it with me at Files are typically too large to email. Alternatively, you can send a USB drive to school and I can download it from there.

On June 11, there will be a parish feast day celebration, and Fr. Paul would love to have some performers who can perform live at the event! If your child is interested, please email me and let me know!

Looking forward to seeing all of our talent!

God bless,

Mr. Heah and Mrs. Krammer