Fraser Health Updates Re: Close Contacts and What to do if you have COVID-19

Dear Parents,

There were two updates made by the BCCDC (British Columbia Center for Disease Control) yesterday that require your attention. These are changes from what was previously in place and communicated to you.

Close Contacts and Isolating

If you have COVID-19

Of Note:

1) I have had a few parents already contact me concerned about the following update:
”At this stage in the pandemic, close contacts are not required to self-isolate or take any special measures. Therefore, contact tracing is of limited value except for high-priority settings.”
We have been instructed to follow the BCCDC rules, and as such this updated measure will take place in all school settings effective immediately.

2) Please note as well that the updates regarding self isolation if you contract COVID-19 have changed as well:

If you are fully vaccinated OR are less than 18 years of age If you tested positive and are managing your illness at home you can end isolation when all three of these conditions are met:

  1. At least 5 days have passed since your symptoms started, or from test date if you did not have symptoms.

  2. Fever has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medication, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

  3. Symptoms have improved.

For individuals who have not been tested and are symptomatic, they are asked to self isolate until their symptoms have gone away and no advil or tylenol needed to control fever.

Stay tuned for a letter from Dr. Zbar, MHO for Fraser Health that will be coming shortly.

As always, please contact me if you require further information or have any questions/ concerns.

God bless,

C. Heah

Clive Heah