Friday Feed - January 14, 2022


“One Family One Hope in Christ”

Parent Memo for the upcoming week of January 17-21, 2022

Next Week’s Events:


Monday, January 17
3:15pm- Grade 5 girls basketball home game vs St. Catherines

Tuesday, January 18
3:15pm- Grade 7 boys basketball home game vs St. Catherine’s
4:00pm- Grade 5/6 boys basketball home game vs St. Catherine’s
6:45pm: Grade 7 sacramental meeting (zoom)

Wednesday, January 19
2:30 pm- Dismissal
3:00pm- Grade 6 girls basketball home game vs St. Catherine’s

Thursday, January 20
3:15pm- Grade 7 boys basketball home game vs Star of the Sea
4:00pm- Grade 7 girls basketball home game vs Star of the Sea

Friday, January 21
9:00am- School mass led by Grade 6

*Please note sports practices will not be put on the Friday Feed as there are often changes made by coaches that may
not be reflected in the Friday Feed. Please go by your coaches information. All games, first and last practices of the season
will be on the Friday Feed as well as on the google calendar.



Important Information

  • Daily Health Check- It is of utmost importance that parents do a health check prior to school. Please use the following online tool to perform daily health check.

  • Thank you to all of our students who have been so awesome with following our school restart health and safety protocols!

  • Please ensure that you have read the CDC document that was emailed home regarding when to self isolate vs when to self monitor. I am attaching a flowchart that I made that I hope makes it easier for everyone to understand. This flowchart takes into consideration all of the information that has been published by CDC and mandated by Fraser Health. Please note that this flowchart reflects the current protocols, and will be updated with any changes.

  • Supplies and Activity fee: There have been some questions regarding the supplies and activities fee that is part of our registration package. Normally, parents pay a supplies fee and then throughout the year money is withdrawn for various activities and field trips. Some examples of this are: High Touch High Tech Science workshops, BC Sports Hall of Fame Heroes virtual assemblies, field trips (Surrey museum, Fort Langley), coding workshops, music workshops, skating, curling, crafting, year end class activities… All of these activities are activities that parents are charged for throughout the year. Rather than having to charge parents throughout the year, we have combined the supplies and activities into one fee that will cover all if not most of the activities and all of the supplies. Some parents have chosen to purchase their own supplies in the past, but it has proven to be difficult as the supplies purchased are not necessarily the supplies that the teacher was asking for. Asking everyone to purchase Edupac ensures that all students have the same supplies. The cost to purchase Edupac as well as the other supplies that Mrs. Jangula sources out are provided to you at the lowest possible price.

  • Intermediate Parent Evening- Grade 4-7 parents, mark your calendars for January 27th at 6:30pm. Sr. John Mary Sullivan will be leading a parent evening for all parents in Grade 4-7. This is an archdiocesan mandated event and all intermediate parents are expected to attend. It will be delivered virtually.

  • From St. Vincent de Paul- Happy New Year to our wonderful community! The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is very grateful for all those who participated in our 2021 Advent Giving Tree program. Thanks to your generosity we distributed special Christmas Hampers to our regular weekly visitors as well as the parish families we serve.God bless us all, and keep us healthy and safe in 2022!

  • Parent Participation: Reminder to parents to sign up for tasks on OnVolunteers. We currently have lots of tasks to sign up for or enter your ad hoc hours for:

    During school hours: Crosswalk, Traffic Supervisors, Lunchtime Supervision for January - March etc.

    Outside school hours: Workbees, Attending PFG meetings, PFG events, Knights of Columbus volunteer work/meetings, Parish ministries, driving students other than your own to Basketball games

    New tasks are being posted regularly, so please check back often. There are 5 months remaining to complete your 40 Parent Participation hours.

    • Please be reminded that due to new health and safety protocols, the school cannot have any visitors inside the building, which means that parents who were doing jobs in the school are not able to complete these hours for the time being.

    If you have any questions, please contact



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    PFG Contact:

Thank you for your continued support!

God Bless,

C. Heah

*Please remember to perform daily health screenings prior to sending your child(ren) to school. Any students coming to school with any symptoms will be sent home immediately.
**All students are expected to be in Top Marks uniform items unless a request for exemption due to medical or financial reasons has been submitted to and approved by PEC.