Walkathon Week is coming!

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

A few reminders and points of clarification as we approach Walkathon Week:

  1. Permission forms must be signed and returned for your child(ren) in order for them to walk. This was sent home yesterday along with the route map. Students who have not brought back a permission form will not be permitted to walk.

  2. Students are asked to wear gym strips on their walkathon day. If it is raining, they can wear some sweatpants. Walkathon day is not a dress down day- We will have a Untied Day on Friday

  3. NO umbrellas please- Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather!

  4. Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle with them that they can take on the route.

  5. Money and Pledge forms can start coming into the school on May 3. All money and pledge forms are due to the office by May 10th.

We look forward to Walkathon week and thank you for your support of our fundraiser! We are about half way towards reaching our goal!

God bless,
C. Heah