Fall Fundraising at CCS

Hello CCS Parents!

We wanted to give you an update on fundraising at CCS for 2020/2021. Usually our fall events include a Fitness-A-Thon or Walk-A-Thon, Pub Night, family movie nights, poinsettia sales, concession at the Christmas Concert, and Christmas tree chipping.  Spring events include our annual auction fundraiser, a pub night, family movie nights, and the Spring Musical (on alternating years). 

Due to Covid-19, most of these fundraising events are not possible this year. We will be moving towards doing online fundraisers that both help the school financially and provide something beneficial for our school families.  

Here are the fundraising events that will take place this fall:

  1. Online auction

    We will be auctioning off 4 parking spaces, Principal for a Fall Day, and Principal for a Spring Day.  These are all items that would have been auctioned off at our last fundraiser, which had to be cancelled due to Covid.  

    The auction opens at 8am on Friday, October 2nd at 8AM and closes on Friday, October 9th at 8PM.  

  2. Neufeld Farms Orders

    Shop from the comfort of home and avoid crowded stores, while enjoying these high quality frozen foods! 

    • Download the forms attached below

    • Collect orders from your contacts and submit them to the school as one order. You will be responsible for distributing goods to your 'customers'. Your cheque for the entire order should be made out to Cloverdale Catholic School and dropped off at the school office.

    • ORDER DEADLINE is Thursday, October 8th

    • Orders must be picked up on October 22nd at 5pm, we will not be able to hold any orders overnight.

  3. Christmas fundraisers: Poinsettias and Purdy’s

    Dates are still being confirmed but orders will be collected in November with distribution eta for the last weekend of November

  4. Tree Chipping (tentative)

    We are looking at the feasibility of doing our tree chipping event again this year. 

  5. Ongoing Bottle Refund Program

    Donate your empties!!  CCS has an account with Return-It - all you need to do is visit any location with an Express Return Kiosk (https://www.return-it.ca/locations/metro-vancouver/?Se=38&St=&Sv=express&Rn=1) and enter the CCS phone number (604) 574-5151 - the kiosk will print out a sticker for you to put on your bag, and all of your returns will be credited to CCS! This is available anytime! 

Thank you to all the CCS parents for your support during these interesting times!!

CCS Parent Fundraising Group