Mr. Heah's Update: Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Dear Parents,

It has been a great start to the school year here at CCS! Thank you to all of you who have helped make the return smooth. Just a few items to draw your attention to:

  1. School Photos- School photos are this Friday- these will be the individual student photos. Please ensure that your child has a sweater to wear for the photo. For students who are on the temporary transition plan, they can either have their photos taken on October 30th (our retake day) or wait until a later date when Lifetouch will have a date available to go to their studio for photos.

  2. Drop off and Pick Up- A reminder to please follow the direction of school staff at drop off and pick up. Our job is to be present to help facilitate the process for everyone and most importantly to keep the students safe. If you are being asked by a staff member to follow a procedure, please respect this. Our staff are working very hard to keep your children safe.

  3. Lates- It’s only been two full days of school, but we have already had several students who have come to school late or been picked up late. Please remember to drop off your child(ren) on time and be on time for pick up.

  4. Uniforms- We are reminding students of the importance of following the uniform policy as set out in the parent handbook. Students have also been reminded to tuck in their shirts at all times. Thank you to those parents who have called or emailed to let us know that you are waiting for your Top Marks order. A reminder that all students who are not in proper uniform will be sent home with a uniform infraction sheet (unless you have let us know that you are waiting on a uniform delivery.) Students have been informed of this at our back to school assembly as well as daily announcements. We remind them to look “Cool for School!”

  5. “United Day“- Our first United Day is this Thursday. Students are invited to come to school dressed down in casual clothes (appropriate choices please) in exchange for a loonie or toonie that will go to the Terry Fox Foundation. Thank you in advance for your donation. Students will be learning about Terry Fox in their classes and will then take 15 minutes at assigned times to go on a Terry Fox walk around our track.

  6. School Mass- tomorrow is our first school mass at 1:30pm led by Grade 7C. Families are welcome to join us virtually through the following live link- Students will be taking part from their classrooms, except for the class that is leading mass.

  7. Library Books- Please return any school library books that you still have at home. Students with outstanding library books will not be allowed to sign out books. I will be sending home our library COVID protocols in my Friday memo so you are aware of how library will work for the year.

  8. Medical Forms/ Medication: Please ensure that you have submitted medical forms and current medications to the school office. It is important that we have all of the up-to-date information and medications for your child(ren).

  9. Back to school Night- We will be sending out information to parents next week. I will have a presentation recorded and sent out to you next Wednesday, and classroom teachers will be sending their information out separately after mine has been shared.

  10. If your child is sick- Please remember to keep your child(ren) home if they have any symptoms on the daily health check. Any student that comes to school sick will immediately be isolated, given a mask (if they don’t have one) and parents contacted. If your child is sick, they must stay home for 10 days or until symptoms completely disappear, whichever comes first. If your child has been tested and the test result is negative, they may return to school once symptoms are gone. If your child is tested and the result comes back positive, they will be asked to quarantine for 14 days and the school will be contacted by public health.

Thank you for your close attention to these items.

God bless,

C. Heah