May 19th Update from Mr. Borkowski

Parents of Cloverdale Catholic School,

The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health have determined that it is both safe and important for schools to re-open on June 1st this school year.  There are still many details being worked out regarding how it will work, but here is what we do know:

1)      Classes will resume June 1

2)      Classes will not exceed half of their usual size

3)      Students will attend classes in person only 2 or 3 days per week

4)      There will be no online schooling on May 25th or 26th so school staff can train and plan for re-opening

5)      Online learning will continue even after in-person classes resume

6)      Coming to school is the choice of family and there is no pressure whatsoever for children to attend in person

7)      A committee of staff members will meet this week to create a safety plan for restarting classes.  This plan will be shared with the entire school community.

8)      A survey will be sent home to families in the coming days to ask if your child(ren) will be attending or not.

I understand there are pros and cons regarding re-opening.  Each family is going to be responsible for choosing what is best for them at this time.  For some, there may be legitimate academic, social, and work-related reasons for sending the kids back to school.  For others, online learning is working well and personal health concerns make the decision to keep the kids home an easy one.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we take these next steps towards re-opening our school.  Please keep our national, community, church and school leaders in your prayers as they make important decisions on our behalf.  Please also be assured of my continued prayers for your families.


Mr. Jason Borkowski