Friendship Week at CCS

Friendship Week at CCS

CCS strives to be a safe and caring school.  Like any school/community/family, there are times when we could do a better job of getting along.  To help the students become more empathetic, compassionate, forgiving, resilient, and confident, we are having “Friendship Week” from Monday, January 14th to Thursday, January 17th. 

Teachers will incorporate the themes of each day into their lessons next week.  Here are some of the highlights of each day…

 Monday, January 14th

Theme:  Friendship    

Question of the Day: How can I be a good friend?

Activities: Friendship Bingo

Presenter:  Our Child and Youth Care Worker, Mrs. Lisa Legaspi, will visit the class and give a presentation on what friendship looks like.


Tuesday, January 15th

Theme:  Bullying     

Question: What does bullying look like?

Activities: Non-Uniform Day (students wear pink, or any other colour, to show that being unique is part of what makes us specia!)

Presenter:  Mr. Borkowski will visit each class to present the school’s anti-bullying policies and to teach kids about what they can do if they witness bullying.


Wednesday, January 16th

Theme: Use Your WITS

Question: What can I do when some one is unkind?

Activities: W.I.T.S. Assembly (1:45pm)

Presenter: Mr. Borkowski and all Emergency and Safety Workers connected to our school


Thursday, January 17th

Theme: Getting Help    

Question:  Who can I talk to when I need support?

Activities:  Students will complete a “check-in” for Mr. Borkowski to tell him how they are feeling

Presenter: Grade 7 students will visit the classrooms to tell their stories


There is no school on Friday, January 18th as the staff is having a Professional Day.