Friendship Week Update: Tuesday Non-Uniform Day

Friendship week is off to a great start. Today most classes were visited by our Child and Youth Care Worker, Mrs. Lisa Legaspi, and learned about how to be a good friend.

The theme tomorrow is “bullying”. Students are invited to show their enthusiasm for standing up to bullying by wearing any color they wish (non-uniform day, yay!). Let’s make a rainbow of color to show that we are all different and being different is okay! Mr. Borkowski will be visiting the classes to talk to the students our our anti-bullying policy and our student code of conduct.

Don’t forget to complete and return the family friendship week activities by Wednesday to be eligible for the prize draw!

Finally, please note that this Friday, January 18th is a Professional Day. There will be no school. The staff will be having a retreat at Westminster Abbey in Mission.