Final Parent Memo for 2021

Dear Parents,

As we break for summer, a few final items that require your attention:

  1. Good bye letter from Mrs. Crystal McKay

  2. Communication survey for families. Please take a moment to fill this in so that we have an idea of how we are doing with communication and where we can improve. Communication between school and home is paramount to a successful home/school relationship, therefore we want to make sure that we are meeting your needs adequately in this area! Thank you for your help with this.

  3. Our farewell assembly was recorded for parents to watch. Click here!

    Access Passcode: ccsfarewell2021!

  4. Today is the last day to order uniforms and receive free shipping! Please remember that only Top Marks uniform items are permitted, including gym shorts.

  5. We will be starting a Welcoming Committee towards the end of summer, with the hope of providing new families with a point person who they can contact with any questions they may have as they navigate their way through their first year as a CCS parent! There will be one coordinator and a call out for volunteers who might be interested in serving on this committee. More information to come!!

A BIG thank you to all of our families for working with us to make it through this challenging year. We could not have done it without all of your understanding and support of our Health and Safety protocols. Our students and staff were amazing and resilient this year, handling all of the challenges with grace and understanding. I will be sending out a restart plan once we have received all of the information from the PHO, FISA, CISVA and Ministry of Education in mid August. What we do know so far is that cohorts will no longer be in effect. Certain things like daily health checks, staying home when you are symptomatic will remain in place. We are not yet sure if larger gatherings will be permitted (back to school dinner, concerts, …), if masks will still be mandatory, etc. These are the items that will be clarified in August. I am sorry that I have not gotten the chance to get to know all of you this year and I hope that the easing of restrictions next year will allow for all of us to get to know each other better!

I would like to give all of our primary parents a heads up that starting September, primary drop off will resume at the school, no longer by the United church. Our neighbours have been so generous in allowing us to use their parking lot and I am thankful that we were able to make this system last all year long during the pandemic.

The school office will be open for any parents to come and pick up any forgotten items until next Friday. Please contact me ahead of time to ensure that we know to expect you. Office hours are modified for the next two weeks.

Any Art Club registration forms that were not submitted yesterday must be submitted no later than this Friday. We are still missing several registrations and will need confirmation by this Friday to ensure that the Art Club has all of the families registered who expressed interest.

Kindergarten gradual entry schedule will be sent home to Kindergarten parents by Ms. Manuel later in summer- please keep your eyes open for this information!

With all of this said, I wish you all a very blessed, safe and restful summer break! I look forward to welcoming you all back on September 7th, 2021!

God bless,

C. Heah