PEC Minutes - August 2017

Minutes of Parish Education Committee Meeting – August 29, 2017

A.    Call to order

  • Meeting Called to Order at 7:01 PM
  • Present:  Jason Borkowski, Luisa Cenedese, Megan Bolton, Chris Brant, Deborah Harms, Jennifer Friesen, Jacqueline Johnson, Layna Neilson, and Fr. Paul Chu.

B.    Opening Prayer

  • Opening Prayer led by Father Chu.

C.    Review of the June 13, 2017 Minutes

  • Minutes of the June 13, 2017 meeting were approved by email.

D.    Discussion Items

1.    Chairperson’s Update:

  • The Education Committee Leadership Conference is scheduled for October 14th, registration information has not yet been received.

2.    Principal’s Update

  • Our enrollment numbers have gone down over the summer from an expected 308 students to 297, including 20 international students.
  • We will need to hire a replacement for Miss DaCruz, who will be going on maternity leave in early November.  The position will be posted soon.

3.    Financial Report

  • Chris and Barb are working on updating our budgets to the new CISVA templates.
  • The current year budget will be presented for approval in October.

4.    Family Service Update

  • Over the summer PEC members received training for our new On Volunteers online tracking system.  The system was reviewed and final adjustments will be made prior to the Meet the Teacher night when parents will receive their login information.  

5.    Maintenance Update

  • The first Work Bee of the school year will be this Saturday, September 2nd.  Andrea Thomson is returning as our Work Bee coordinator.   This will be the first work bee where volunteers will use the new OnVolunteers program.
  • Over the summer much of the gardens around the school and parish have become quite overgrown.  It may be time to consider simplifying our gardens to make them easier to maintain.
  • The gravel shoulder in the drop off area has become quite weedy, in past years there was discussion regarding paving this area as well as weedy, eroding areas around the playground in order to improve the appearance and function of these areas.  Jacqueline will gather quotes for having these areas paved.

6.    Parent Fundraising Group (PFG) Update

  • The first fundraiser of the school year will be a Pub Night on Friday, September 22nd at 7pm at “Edith and Arthur” in Fleetwood.  Tickets will be $20 and will be available in the first week of school.
  • We are hoping to set up online payments for fundraising through Chimp.
  • The next fundraiser will be the Fitness-a-thon on October 19th.
  • The major fundraiser of the year will once again be the Auction.  The tentative date is Saturday April 14th in the school gym.
  • This year we are fundraising for the new gym lighting, paving walkways in the drop off area and a new PA system for the school.

7.    Secretary Report

  • No report.

8.    Vice-Chair Report

  • No report.

E.    Closing Prayer

  • Led by Father Chu.

F.    Meeting Adjourned

  • Meeting adjourned at 9:02 PM following the in-camera session.
  • The next PEC meeting will be Tuesday, October 10th at 7pm.