Friday Feed -October 7, 2022


“Seeking Truth, Healing and Reconciliation”

Parent Memo for the upcoming week of October 10-14

Next Week’s Events:


Monday, October 10- NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, October 11

3:00pm- Grade 6 Girls Volleyball teams away games at St. Matthew’s
3:00pm- Grade 7 Girls Volleyball team away game at Star of the Sea

Wednesday, October 12
2:30pm dismissal
3:00pm- Grade 6 Girls Volleyball teams home games vs St. Catherine’s

Thursday, October 13
3:00pm- Boys soccer game at home vs OLGC

Friday, October 14- NO SCHOOL
Staff Professional Development day

Monday, October 17- NO SCHOOL
Staff Professional Development ay


Important Information

  • Walkathon news
    Thank you to everyone that has already raised money for our Walkathon. We have currently raise just over $2700.00. Please be sure to send in your child’s tally slip for week two if you raised money so that your child’s name can be entered into the draw!
    - If you or a family/friend are donating online, it is very important that you please choose a Giving Group rather than just donating to the general fundraiser. This will ensure that your child gets the credit for the donation. A reminder that our online donation page can be found here

  • Professional Development days- october 14, 17
    A reminder that school is closed for students on October 14 and 17th as the staff is having a special two day professional development session. The staff has the privilege of working with Misty Paterson for two days to dive into the redesigned curriculum and reshape how we approach education in this framework. Please note that we have not added extra pro-d days this year, we have just put two together given the nature of the session. We will not be taking part in the October 21 Provincial Pro-D session that other schools will be a part of.

  • Maintenance Update


    Do you specialize in trades or project planning? We have several projects/repairs coming up over the next little while and we need your help. If you have expertise to offer (either in the form of practical assistance or being available to advise/consult on your area of specialization), please introduce yourself via email at The Maintenance Coordinator has an MA in History and is self-taught in the art of Looking Up DIY Projects On YouTube And Mostly Successfully Figuring Out Stuff That Way, so she needs all the help she can get!

  • Parent Fundraising Group Update

    2022/2023 ANNUAL PFG GOAL: $50,000 


    Closes: Wednesday October 12

    All orders to be in by October 12 or all unsold books returned by October 12

    Additional books to be handed out within 2 days of receiving order form

    Prizes for every book sold

    Top Class Prize: A classroom secession with Urban Safari & their animals  

    Top Seller Prize: Vancouver Giant hockey tickets (4)

    APPLE SALE – 10lb Boxes

    Launches: October 17

    Closes: November 5

    Pickup: Week of Nov 6

    Order Process: to follow 

     Selection includes Honey Crisp ($29.50) and Ambrosia ($23.95) apples from Summerland


    October 21, 2022- Friday Morning

    Top Class Prizes: Class parties, food & movies

    Most Money Raised: IPad & Nintendo Switch  

    Do you want a tax write off?  


    MOVIE NIGHT IS BACK- Glow Theme Party!!

    October 21, 2022- Friday Evening, in the school gym

    Movie: Coco

    Entry: by donation 

    Doors Open: 5:30

    Movie Starts: 6:00

    Concession available- Presale forms to go home shortly or cash concession


    Neufeld Farms – Holiday Catalogue

    Purdy’s Chocolates- Christmas Catalogue

    Growing Smiles- Poinsettias and seasonal arrangements


    Movie Night 

    Christmas Cookie Kits 

    New Years Bottle Drive 

    FIND US: Click Parent Fundraising Group | Cloverdale Catholic School

    Pag list our current and ongoing fundraisers and all contact information. 


    Are interested in becoming an active member?

    Do you have fundraising ideas that you would like to share for this year?

    Do you have a private or corporate donation to help the school?


    Return It - Bottles 

    Visit ANY Return- It Express bottle depot.

    Go to the kiosk, type the school phone number (604) 574-5151 print labels for drop off.

  • From the Parish:
    Weekly Parish Bulletin

    October 14th- 75th Anniversary Mass celebrated by Archbishop Miller at 7:00pm.

    Advent Parish Bazaar on Nov 26, 9-2PM

    VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Contact the Parish office if willing to help. Rental tables available for crafters/entrepreneurs at $45 each. To book, please contact

Thank you for your continued support! Have a wonderful weekend!

God Bless,

C. Heah A. Krammer
Principal Vice Principal