Friday Feed -September 16, 2022


“Seeking Truth, Healing and Reconciliation”

Parent Memo for the upcoming week of Sep 19-23

Next Week’s Events:


Monday, September 19- NO SCHOOL (National day of mourning for the Queen’s death)

Tuesday, September 20- UNITED DAY!
1:00pm- Fred Fox visits CCS/ Terry Fox Walk
3:00pm- 4:15pm- girls volleyball practices start

Wednesday, September 21
Hot Lunch ordering closes at 9:00am (for next week’s hot lunch)
Photo Day!

Friday, September 23
9:00am- School Mass
3:00pm- 4:15pm- Gr. 7 girls volleyball practices start


Important Information

  • NO SCHOOL MONDAY- Please be reminded that as per Premier Horgan’s announcement, all schools in BC will be closed on Monday for the National Day of Mourning for the death of the Queen. Our school, along with all catholic schools, public schools and the majority of independent and private schools will be closed as mandated by CISVA. We recognize that this may be hard for families where parents have to work and apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.

  • UNITED DAY- We will be having our first United Day on Tuesday. Students are invited to wear their gym strips or something comfortable for the Terry Fox walk in exchange for a small donation. All donations will go to Terry Fox Foundation. Bring an extra $1 for popcorn! Students will be walking on school property for the Terry Fox walk.

  • Photo day is on Wednesday- please make sure that your child is wearing a clean uniform and has their sweater with them. A reminder that girls are not permitted to wear makeup and hair accessories should be kept to a minimum and simple (no cat ear headbands, bright flashy headbands, …)

  • REMINDER- Friday Mass Day Lates- If you are late on Friday mornings, please take your child directly to the church where Mrs. Jangula will check your child in.

  • Grade 7 Camp- for their hard work in preparing and organizing a memorable Grade 7 camp this week- We had a lot of fun and the students represented CCS so well!

  • Foodbank Friday- Please do not bring any items for Friday Foodbank until our first Friday in October. We are only collecting on the First Friday of the month.

  • Parent Participation Memo

    Two weeks in! I hope everyone has had a chance to log into the OnVolunteers website. If you are experiencing technical difficulty, please email for support.
    Tasks are filling up quickly, consider adding a notification so you are alerted when the tasks are sent out via email. If you have any ad hoc tasks, ensure you submit those within a month for the hours to be counted.

  • Parent Fundraising Group’s Weekly Memo 

    2022/2023 ANNUAL PFG GOAL: $50,000 


    100% of all money raised stays at the school for our kids

    October 21, 2022- Friday Morning

    Donation flyers to be sent home shortly with all students

     Do you want a tax write off?  


     ** Looking for donations of/for prizes that can be used as student incentives as well as top student fundraisers **

     A calendar of weekly events leading up to Walkathon to follow.  


    October 21, 2022- Friday Evening, in the school gym

    More details to follow: Movie, concession stand, contest!

    FIND US: Click Parent Fundraising Group | Cloverdale Catholic School

    List of our current and ongoing fundraisers and all contact information. 


    Are interested in becoming an active member?

    Do you have fundraising ideas that you would like seen this year?

    Do you have a private or corporate donation to help the school?



    Return It - Bottles 

    Visit ANY Return- It Express bottle depot.

    Go to the kiosk, type the school phone number (604) 574-5151 print labels for drop off.

  • Maintenance Update

    1. Thank you to all the parents who came to the September Workbee, the school and the grounds looked great! It is still pretty warm, but fall is on its way, which means lot of maintenance opportunities outside of workbees (who's excited about leaf raking??) Visit OnVolunteers to see what is available!

    2. Do you specialize in trades or project planning? We have several projects/repairs coming up over the next little while and we need your help. If you have expertise to offer (either in the form of practical assistance or being available to advise/consult on your area of specialization), please introduce yourself via email at

    3. WANTED: people with a deep dislike of invasive plants, a love for wielding power tools, and a couple of hours of free time! Join the Blackberry Removal Squad as we fight to banish as many blackberry bushes as possible from the CCS/Precious Blood property before the middle of October. Please contact me via email ( by Friday, September 23rd if you would like to be part of this team.

    4. We are looking for another Outdoor Workbee Coordinator - sign up for an orientation meeting through OnVolunteers to see if the position is right for you!

    Looking forward to working with you all!

    Jennifer Friesen

    Maintenance Coordinator

  • "PREP Program is in need of Teacher's Assistants, who can commit every Wednesday night from 6:30-7:45pm.   PREP assistants who complete a full year(September-May) will be exempt from Maintenance Hours.

    Please email: or the parish office at 604.574.4363"

  • From the Parish:
    Weekly Parish Bulletin

    October 14th- 75th Anniversary Mass celebrated by Archbishop Miller at 7:00pm.

    Hispanic Ministry- Please click here to see information about the Hispanic Ministry at Precious Blood Parish.

Thank you for your continued support! Have a wonderful weekend!

God Bless,

C. Heah A. Krammer
Principal Vice Principal


Almighty God,

grant your servant, Elizabeth,

eternal rest, O Lord,

And let Perpetual light shine upon her. 

May she rest in peace. 
