Friday Feed -September 9, 2022


“Seeking Truth, Healing and Reconciliation”

Parent Memo for the upcoming week of Sep 12-16

Next Week’s Events:


Monday, September 12- CCS SPIRIT WEAR DAY!
10:15am- Fire Drill
3:00pm-4:15pm- Gr. 5, 6, 7 Boys Soccer practice (Sep. 12, 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10, 24)

Wednesday, September 14
Grade 7s to Timberline Ranch

2:30-3:30pm- Cross Country practices start (Sep. 14, 21, 28)

Friday, September 16- Foodbank Friday
9:00am- School Mass, led by Grade 5
Grade 7s return from Timberline Ranch

* volleyball practices start next week


Important Information

  • Back to School Night- Thank you to all families who came to the Back to School Night yesterday! We had a great turn out and it was so good to gather again in community to celebrate the start of a new school year. For those parents unable to join us last night, please find here the PPT that was shown last night.

  • Hot lunch ordering is up and running again and the classes have been updated. Please refer to my last hot lunch email with the ordering information. Please remember that orders must be completed 7 days before the hot lunch date (Sep. 21 ordering deadline)

  • Friday Mass Day Lates- If you are late on Friday mornings, please take your child directly to the church where Mrs. Jangula will check your child in.

  • CCS Spirit Wear Day- Every first Monday of the month students are invited to show their CCS school spirit by wearing CCS spirit wear. For those students who don’t have any spirit wear, they may wear their gym strips, or dress down in school colours (red, white, blue, black.) We want to make sure all students are included. You may purchase some cool CCS Spirit Wear from our website

  • Fall Sports- All fall sports have been uploaded to the PE page of our school website. Practices will not be put on the school calendar (except for the first and last ones of the season) so please refer to this schedule for practices.

  • Foodbank Friday- We will be collecting for Foodbank next Friday at Mass. We invite you to please bring a non-perishable item. Following next week, we will only be doing foodbank collections on the first Friday of the month. We have found that having it once a month actually brings in more food than having it weekly. We ask your generosity moving forward in bringing one or more non-perishables for our first mass of the month. All donations go to St. Vincent de Paul Society.

  • Parent Participation Memo

    Please go to the On Volunteer page and check to make sure your log on works. If you are having issues, please contact:

  • Parent Fundraising Group’s Weekly Memo 

    2022/2023 ANNUAL PFG GOAL: $50,000 

    CCS Parent Fundraising Group Needs YOU!

     We are excited for this year and the fundraising events we can once again hold this year. The purpose of the CCS PFG is to strengthen our school community by supporting annual events and activities at the school and providing families an opportunity to volunteer. All money raised by these activities are used for the improvement of our school community and enriching the student’s school experience.

    Further details on the PFG can be found on the website.  Click Parent Fundraising Group | Cloverdale Catholic School

     We welcome and encourage all parents to get involved and volunteer at our school this year during the many planned events.

    Please email the if you are interested in becoming an active member, you have fundraising ideas that you would like seen this year, or you have a private or corporate donation to help the school.


    Return It - Bottles 

    Visit ANY Return- It Express bottle depot.

    Go to the kiosk, type the school phone number (604) 574-5151 , print the labels, sticker the label to the bag, drop the bag there and go...donating made easy!!  

  • "PREP Program is in need of Teacher's Assistants, who can commit every Wednesday night from 6:30-7:45pm.   PREP assistants who complete a full year(September-May) will be exempt from Maintenance Hours.

    Please email: or the parish office at 604.574.4363"

  • From the Parish:
    Weekly Parish Bulletin

    October 14th- 75th Anniversary Mass celebrated by Archbishop Miller

Thank you for your continued support! Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the sun!

God Bless,

C. Heah A. Krammer
Principal Vice Principal


Almighty God,

grant your servant, Elizabeth,

eternal rest, O Lord,

And let Perpetual light shine upon her. 

May she rest in peace. 
