Friday Feed -June 17, 2022


“One Family One Hope in Christ”

Parent Memo for the upcoming week of June 20-24

Next Week’s Events:


Monday, June 20
10:00am- 12:30pm- Grade 3 Honeybee Center Field Trip

Tuesday, June 21- National Indigenous Peoples day
9:10-11:30am- Grade 5 bowling party
2:00pm- Year End awards assembly- parents welcome!

Wednesday, June 22- UNITED DAY (Disney Day)
Hot Lunch
2:30pm dismissal

Thursday, June 23- Parent Appreciation morning
9:15am- 11:45am- Grade 6 year end party at Central Fun City

Friday, June 24
9:00am- School Mass
Grade 7 year end party at Central Fun City
10:30am- 1:30pm- Grade 3 visit with St. Pat’s buddies
6:30pm- Grade 7 Farewell mass and celebration


Important Information

  • What a FUN DAY we had today! The kids were so excited and we had such a great time at Fun Day. A big thank you to our staff who worked so hard to plan and organize this day for our students! It was great to see so many parents come out as well :)

  • Please check our lost and found table by our office to see if your child has lost any items. A photo of the table is attached below.

  • Ready for the sun? Hopefully we will see the sun soon! We ask that students are prepared for the sunny weather by bringing a hat and sunscreen for recess and PE blocks. Please also help your child remember their water bottle.

  • UNITED DAY- This is our last united day of the year and the Student Leadership Team has chosen to do a Disney Day! Please come to school in anything Disney themed! Proceeds will go to Burkina Faso and popcorn will be sold for an extra $1.

  • Parent Appreciation Morning- We will be celebrating our parents on Thursday morning at the drop off with a special gift from our staff and students. Please make sure to visit us for your gift fi we miss you!

  • From the parish PREP program
    If you love to teach and work with children to bring them closer to God, you do not need to know every detail of your faith! Being a catechist means being open to learning together and sharing your faith with the children.

    We invite you to volunteer to teach Catechism every Wednesday at 6:30 - 7:45pm. Please note this activity counts for volunteer hours. If this is something that you are passionate about, please call the parish office-604.574.4363 or

  • Maintenance Update:

    We will be focusing on preparing the school grounds for the summer, including weeding, cutting down brambles, weedeating, spreading mulch, etc. Please bring gardening gloves and protective clothing and dress for the weather! If anyone has a weedeater that they are willing to bring, we could use some extra help as there are a LOT of areas that have grown up over the past week or so. Sign up through OnVolunteers, we are also taking drop-ins this month!

    Summer Maintenance

    Thank you to the families who have volunteered to help out over the summer - we still have a few spaces left. Sign up for a short information session through OnVolunteers (only one person per family for the information session) and we will match you and your family with a job that works for you.

    If you can't commit to a permanent summer job, we will post any extra tasks on OnVolunteers for anyone to pick up. All these hours will be added as "Ad Hoc Maintenance". Anyone who comes in to do hours during the summer needs to sign in and sign out by emailing when you start your task and again when you finish it.

    Join the Lawnmowing Team - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!
    We are looking for 2-3 parents who would like to join our lawn mowing team at CCS/Precious Blood. Experience with riding lawn mowers is a definite asset, but not a requirement. If you are interested in learning more, sign up for an information session through OnVolunteers and email Jennifer at

  • Parent Participation Update:
    Happy New Year! All Parent Participation hours done from June 1 onwards count towards your 2022-23 requirement! 

    There are lots of tasks already posted on OnVolunteers like...

    All Work Bees for 2022-23

    Supervision Tasks and other volunteers needed during June.

    Sign-up for Summer Maintenance Program.

  • Parent Fundraising Group’s Weekly Memo 

    Thank you to everyone who supported our online auction! Thank you as well to our donors who donated the items! I would like to extend a big thank you to the PFG, headed by Sandra Alvarez, who worked hard this year to raise money for our school. In addition to the items we have purchased this year with Fundraising money, we are also going to purchase 5 concrete picnic tables for our Marian garden, so that whole classes can have the opportunity to learn outside, and make some improvements to our playground area

  • From the Parish:
    Weekly Parish Bulletin

Thank you for your continued support! Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Father’s Day to all of our CCS dads!

God Bless,

C. Heah

*Please remember to perform daily health screenings prior to sending your child(ren) to school. Any students coming to school with any symptoms will be sent home immediately.
**All students are expected to be in Top Marks uniform items unless a request for exemption due to medical or financial reasons has been submitted to and approved by PEC.