Walkathon 2021!

Dear Parents,

Please find here the link to the Walkathon letter and donation page for our upcoming Walkathon on October 15, 2021. This letter along with the pledge sheet and weekly tally slips ae being sent home this week. In addition to the information on this page, please take note of the following important information:

·       Pledge sheet is attached. Please use one pledge sheet per child and record collections. Donors will need to assign a donation to a specific child, as we will not be able to split donations between children. It is important that a pledge sheet accompany your money in order for tax receipts to be issued. All pledge sheets and money are to be kept at home until we collect at the end of walkathon.

·       Cash donations will not be eligible for tax receipts. For donors who do not wish to donate online, a check (with the name and address of payee) to Precious Blood Parish will need to be written in order to be eligible for a tax receipt (applicable for donations over $20.00)

·       We are looking for donations of prizes- this year, the theme is “You’ve Got a Friend in Me.” Any donations that fit into this theme would be greatly appreciated! Please bring your prize donation to the office starting September 30, 2021.

·       We will be doing our walkathon on school property, incorporating some fun activities along the route! Students will be receiving a snack at the end of the walkathon- information to be sent home.

·       It is a NOON DISMISSAL on Walkathon day.

·       Prizes will be awarded as follows:

o   Starting October 4, all students who have raised $50 for the week will be entered into a draw for weekly prizes.

o   Top Primary class and Intermediate class will earn a dress down day with pizza lunch/ movie afternoon.

o   Top earner will receive a brand new iPad 8th Generation (generously donated by Columbia Business Solutions) and second top earner will receive a $150.00 gift card from Indigo

o   If we reach our goal of $20,000, the school-wide prize will be… surprise!! Details to come….

Thank you in advance for your support and generosity!

 God bless,


C. Heah            Ms. Paraiso
Principal           Vice Principal   

AnnouncementClive Heah