VERY Important Dates

Please mark the following dates on your phones and calendars...

1) Sunday, June 2- The Parish will hold its Annual General Meeting after the 11am Mass.  It is important that school families attend this meeting and show support for the building initiatives at our parish.  These initiatives include a NEW SCHOOL, possibly in a short time frame.  If this is important to you, which it should be, your attendance will help show support and build momentum.

2) Thursday, June 6, 7pm- Guest Speaker Dustin Hogan from Safer Schools Together will be presenting to parents on the topic of online safety.  We have invited families from other schools as well, so please RSVP to Mr. Borkowski to guarantee seating.

3) Friday, June 14- The Parents Appreciation Tea and Talent Show will take place after morning Mass.  The Talent Show should wrap up around noon.