Tuesday items

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

I hope you had a great 5 day weekend! Although our conference was virtual this year, it was nonetheless a wonderful opportunity to hear from some great speakers. I have a few items that require your attention:

  1. Kids for Christ is this Thursday Please click here for link and information.

  2. We love getting community attention!…but not when it is negative attention. Please click here to see the article from Surrey Now on February 11th, in particular the first bullet. PLease drive carefully and respectfully in our neighbourhood and school grounds. We want to make sure that we are being good neighbours! A reminder as well that the speed limit in our parking lot is 10 km/h. A sign is in a visible spot to remind all parents and guardians to drive at the posted speed limit to keep all of our children safe. I have been getting a few reports of unsafe driving in our school parking lot, which is disappointing to see. Thank you for doing your part to keep our children safe!

  3. The Soles4Souls shoe drive will go through to Friday, so please bring in any shoes you would like to donate.

  4. Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for hosting our pancake breakfast today! We will be having an Ash Wednesday mass tomorrow at 9:00am, followed by a sprinkling of ashes for all students. Due to COVID-19 regulations, Father Paul will sprinkle the ashes on the heads of our students and staff rather than marking a cross on the forehead. The mass will be streamed on the Precious Blood youtube channel for all to join virtually.

  5. Grade 2 parents- reminder of tonight’s zoom meeting at 6:30pm. Link was shared by the teachers last week.

Thank you for your attention to these items! Wishing you a blessed start to the Lenten season!

God bless,

C. Heah