
Dear Parents,

We have been seeing an increase in lates in the past few weeks. I would like to remind you of the policy in our parent handbook regarding tardiness.

Please make sure your child(ren) arrives at school on time.  Arriving late disrupts the class and is also stressful for the student who has to arrive and enter the classroom late.

Parents of students who are chronically late will be contacted by the school principal to see how the issue can be rectified.

We understand that there are extenuating circumstances that may cause you to be late occasionally, but please make every effort to make it to school on time, in fairness to both your child as well as the rest of the class and classroom teacher. The second bell rings at 8:50am and any students that arrive after this time will be marked late.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.

God bless,
C. Heah

AnnouncementClive Heah