Friday Feed - December 17


“One Family One Hope in Christ”

Parent Memo for the upcoming week of January 4-7

Next Week’s Events:


Monday, January 3, 2022- STAT Holiday

Tuesday, January 4

School re-opens

Wednesday, January 5
2:30 pm- Dismissal

Thursday, January 6
1:00pm- Bluesberries performance- “History of the Blues”

*Please note sports practices will not be put on the Friday Feed as there are often changes made by coaches that may
not be reflected in the Friday Feed. Please go by your coaches information. All games, first and last practices of the season
will be on the Friday Feed as well as on the google calendar.



Important Information

  • Thank you to everyone who donated to the Poor Clares for our United Day!

  • Registration 2022/2023- Please make sure you have read the important information for the process this year. The information and forms are on the website.

  • Travel - see attachment to this email for current travel requirements and restrictions

  • Intermediate Parent Evening- Grade 4-7 parents, mark your calendars for January 27th at 6:30pm. Sr. John Mary Sullivan will be leading a parent evening for all parents in Grade 4-7. This is an archdiocesan mandated event and all intermediate parents are expected to attend. It will be delivered virtually.

  • Parent Participation: Reminder to parents to sign up for tasks on OnVolunteers. We currently have lots of tasks to sign up for or enter your ad hoc hours for:

    During school hours: Crosswalk, Traffic Supervisors, Lunchtime Supervision for January - March etc.

    Outside school hours: Workbees, Attending PFG meetings, PFG events, Knights of Columbus volunteer work/meetings, Parish ministries, driving students other than your own to Basketball games

    New tasks are being posted regularly, so please check back often. There are 5 months remaining to complete your 40 Parent Participation hours.

    If you have any questions, please contact

    Thank you to everyone who supported our One Stop Christmas Shop!


    Tru Earth

    Eco- friendly laundry detergent, that’s as sensitive to your skin as it is to the environment in a revolutionary new strip form.

    Order under the school link:

    Return It - Bottles

    Visit ANY Return- It Express bottle depot.

    Go to the kiosk, type the school phone number (604) 574-5151 , print the labels, sticker the label to the bag, drop the bag there and go...donating made easy!!  


    ** NEXT MEETING: MONDAY DEC 6 @ 7:30PM- 9:00PM via Zoom**

    PFG Contact:

Thank you for your continued support. Have a wonderful and safe Christmas break!

God Bless,

C. Heah

*Please remember to perform daily health screenings prior to sending your child(ren) to school. Any students coming to school with any symptoms will be sent home immediately.
**All students are expected to be in Top Marks uniform items unless a request for exemption due to medical or financial reasons has been submitted to and approved by PEC.