Registration Deadline and Thursday Evening Drop-Off

Registrations packages are due
this Friday, March 1.

As our first drop off evening was cancelled due to snow we are giving you an opportunity to get your registration package in before the deadline this Thursday evening. 

The school office will be open between 6:30 pm & 8:30 pm this Thursday, Feb. 28th.
Many packages have been coming in incomplete. They have missing signatures, include cheques with incorrect dates or missing cheques altogether.
Please refer to your checklist on the last page of your acceptance package. The dates for thePPP cheques are correct on this page. The only thing not listed on this page but you will see on the first page of your package is a $50 registration fee. 
So you will either need three cheques, 2ppp and 1 reg. fee or you will need 2 PPP cheques and $50 cash. Also please note that your PAD form has a new tuition amount on it so yes we do need it filled out and your signature or signatures need to be on the back. If you have any questions please call the school office. 
We do have wait lists in many of our classes this year.If you are not planning on bringing your child back to CCS please let us know so that we can call one of the families on our wait-list. 

Also please understand that if you do not have your complete package in by March 1 and you have not contacted us, we will assume that your child is not coming back and we will start calling families on our wait-list. 

AnnouncementJason Borkowski