Jan 31st Parenting Evening: Holding On To Our Kids in a Digital Age

7pm, Wednesday, January 31st

Cloverdale Catholic Parish Center

How can parents today hold on to their kids and help them grow up when they compete for time and attention with peers, digital devices, and structured activities? What do kids really need from their parents so as to grow into socially and emotionally responsible beings? This presentation will discuss issues from technology to peer problems and how parents are the ultimate answer to what kids need most of all. Practical suggestions for building strong relationships with kids from preschoolers to teenagers will be discussed along with managing challenging behaviour. 

Dr. Deborah MacNamara is on Faculty at the Neufeld Institute and presents, teaches, and writes on all facets of child and adolescent development based on the relational-developmental approach of Gordon Neufeld. She is also in private practice where she offers counselling services to parents and professionals in making sense of learning, behavioural, and developmental issues in children and adolescents. She has two children and lives in Vancouver.