PEC Minutes - October 2017

Minutes of Parish Education Committee Meeting – October 10, 2017

A.    Call to order

  • Meeting Called to Order at 7:03 PM

  • Present:  Jason Borkowski, Luisa Cenedese, Megan Bolton, Chris Brant, Deborah Harms, Jennifer Friesen, Jacqueline Johnson, Layna Neilson, and Fr Paul Chu.

B.    Opening Prayer

  • Opening Prayer led by Megan Bolton.

C.    Review of the August 29, 2017 Minutes

  • Minutes of the August 29, 2017 meeting were approved by email.

D.    Discussion Items

1.    Chairperson’s Update:

  • The Education Committee Leadership Conference is scheduled for October 14th, 4 PEC members and Fr Chu have been registered.

  • Sports Programs – our staff goes above and beyond in providing sports opportunities at CCS; more support from parents and students is needed.   Jason read a 2010 letter to parents regarding CCS Philosophy of Sports.   Clear expectations regarding commitment and participation must be established and adequate support in providing coaching and supervision is needed.  Opportunities will be posted on OnVolunteers.

  • A policy needs to be created regarding international students, particularly regarding the commitment that is made in enrolling at CCS and how situations are handled when international families experience a status change, which in turn results in a funding change for our school.   International students are a wonderful and valued addition to our community.

  • In order to avoid confusion in cases where a family may leave the school after the school year has begun, new wording will be added to school registration packages stating that no tuition refunds are to be expected if the family withdraws once the school year has begun.

  • The school is invited once again to participate in the Parish Bazaar.  Poinsettia sales traditionally support outdoor education for grade 7. 

2.    Principal’s Update

  • This year the provincial government has created a classroom enhancement fund with each school district receiving a dollar value per student.   CISVA schools will also receive a classroom enhancement fund.  These funds can only be used on very specific things relating to classroom enhancement.

  • It has been observed that a very large number of boys have not been wearing uniform pants from our approved supplier, Top Marks.  Jason will prepare a message to parents outlining a timeline for purchasing new pants and uniform checks will be conducted to ensure compliance with the school uniform policy.

3.    Financial Report

  • The budget will be coming soon, as Chris and Barb are still working on getting everything set up in the new format required by the CISVA

  • Over the past couple years we have been able to maintain a good financial position.

4.    Family Service Update

  • Layna has been busy setting up categories in OnVolunteers for Family Service Hours, all tasks/ad hoc requests should be entered under the appropriate category.

  • At present approximately 30 of our 220 families have logged in and used OnVolutneers.   This is very low as parents will need to track all their hours in the new portal in order to avoid having their cheques cashed.   Paper lists, or emailed spreadsheets will no longer be accepted.  An announcement reminding parents to log in and sign up for tasks using the parent portals will be sent by Jason.  Parents requiring assistance can email

  • All volunteer opportunities must be posted through OnVolunteers, all announcements regarding volunteering must be made through On Volunteers.  In order for this system to work well everyone must adapt to using it for everything relating to the Family Service Program.  Although we can expect some challenges as we all learn this new system the results will be worth it as it will be so much simpler to see the volunteer opportunities in our community and to communicate with coordinators regarding volunteering, it will save a lot of time and paper in recording hours and will save countless hours for coordinators.

  • For the past several years our volunteer program has been called Family Service (formerly Work Lieu).  All the other schools in the CISVA use the term Parent Participation.  In order to be consistent with the other CISVA schools Chris introduced a motion to change the name of our program to Parent Participation, Jacqueline seconded the motion and all voted in favor.   We will update our policy to reflect the new name.   

5.    Maintenance Update

  • Jacqueline is collecting quotes for the paving project.   She will also inquire about repairing cracks in the track and also repairing stone curbing in the parking lot near the parish center.

  • The cleaning supplies were very low/empty at the last work bee.  Jacqueline will get more cleaners.

  • A parent has come forward offering to donate supplies and their service in order to refinish the benches outside the parish center which have become quite weathered.   The PEC is very thankful in accepting this generous offer.

  • It is difficult to manage the work bees without enough keys, it is sometimes necessary for more than one coordinator to open doors while the work bee is in progress, and with just one key one person must constantly run around opening doors etc.   Fr Chu has approved additional keys being provided for Work Bees.  Jason will oversee the distribution and usage of school keys.

  • A clarification to the Family Service Policy is needed regarding children at work bees.  While parents are welcome to bring their children if needed, it is important for the safety of the children and all volunteers that the children are supervised, and that work being completed is done by responsible individuals.  Although they may be helping out, CCS students do not count as volunteers in the Family Service program.  Grade 7 students may volunteer and claim the hours as Grade 7 Service Hours, however they cannot claim their service as Family Service Hours.   An updated policy will be posted to the school website and circulated to parents.

6.    Parent Fundraising Group (PFG) Update

  • The Pub Night Fundraiser was a success raising $1253.  Special thanks all who attended and to the Knights of Columbus who were a great support for this event.  Attendees had a good time, and this event is much easier for volunteers to coordinate than other events in the past.

  • Chimp is set up and ready for Fitness-a-thon donations! 

  • Friday December 1st will be a Drop and Shop Fundraiser at Go Bananas in Langley.  Ticket holders will be able to drop their children off at Go Bananas to be supervised while parents go shopping.

  • The PFG will provide a concession at the Christmas concert on December 19th.

  • April 14th 2018 will be the Auction Gala, venue to be determined.

7.    Secretary Report

  • No report.

8.    Vice-Chair Report

  • No report.

E.    Closing Prayer

  • Led by Megan Bolton.

F.    Meeting Adjourned

  • Meeting adjourned at 9:46 PM following the in-camera session.
  • The next PEC meeting will be Tuesday, November 14th at 7pm.