PEC Minutes - October 2016

Minutes of Parish Education Committee Meeting – October 11, 2016

A. Call to order 

  • Meeting Called to Order at 7:05 PM
  • Present: Jason Borkowski, Luisa Cenedese, Viola Baptista, Derek Christo, Deborah Harms, Megan Bolton, Chris Brant, Layna Neilson
  • Absent: Father Anthony Ho

B. Opening Prayer 

  • Opening Prayer led by Viola Baptista

C. Review of September 6, 2016 Minutes 

  • Minutes of September 6, 2016 meeting were approved by email.

D. Discussion Items

1. Chairperson’s Update:

  •  Some Highlights from the recent Education Committee Leadership Conference include:
    • Catholic schools exist to look after the growth and formation of the whole individual.
    • The main focus of our schools is evangelization.
    • Parents are primary educators, Catholics schools can support families and parents in this important role

2. Principal’s Update 

  • Fitness-a-thon
    • took place on Oct 7th, thankfully the weather was ok to have the activities outdoors as planned
    • Approximately $12,000 was pledged prior to the Thanksgiving weekend, donations have begun to be submitted, Friday Oct 14 is the donation deadline in order to qualify for prizes
  • Uniform Policy
    • Some proposed changes to the wording of the policy were presented and discussed, these changes are to simplify the wording and not to change the policy itself
    • Final discussions and changes will take place at the January PEC meeting so that the newly worded policy can be included in next year’s registration packages.
    • Similar to other schools we plan to adopt the routine of having all uniform related discussions and changes take place at one PEC meeting per year (in January/February prior to the new year registration packages being prepared). This will streamline discussion and keep the focus at other meetings during the year.

3. Financial Report

  •  The budget was presented
    • PFG fundraising will go towards some repairs and maintenance
    • A new SEA was hired

The budget was approved as presented

4. Family Service Update 

  • No update

5. Maintenance Update

  •  The October work bee was well attended and a lot got done, but many jobs were not completed
    • There are still ongoing issues at work bees with people not signing in and signing out honestly, and with volunteers not being willing to complete the tasks on the jobs list. Jobs need to be prioritized so that the needed work gets done. Ideas for improving work bees were discussed. Chris would like to take some more time to consider recommendations for changes.
  • The ceilings in the school hallway have been retextured where there were patches as a result of the recent lighting upgrades. Painting may be needed
  • Ceilings in some classrooms are in need of painting. Quotes are being obtained.
  • There may be the possibility of a man-lift being acquired, this would assist in changing light-bulbs in the gym and would save the cost of renting a man-lift whenever lights need to be changed.

6. Parent Fundraising Group (PFG) Update

  • Auction planning has begun.

  • The possibility of setting up a Chimp account is being considered, this would allow online donations

  • The PFG will be assisting with the Poinsettia sales at the Parish Bazaar which traditionally is a fundraiser for the Outdoor Ed program.

7. Secretary Report

  • The old PEC files/minutes are being reviewed and all outdated policy manuals are being discarded. Options for storing minutes electronically will be explored. In-Camera minutes will be stored in a secure location at the school per CISVA recommendations.

E. Closing Prayer

  • Led by Viola Baptista.

F. Meeting Adjourned

  • Meeting adjourned at 9:18 PM following the in-camera session.