New Fraser Health School Reporting

Dear Parents/ Guardians

You have likely heard that Fraser Health has updated the way they report COVID-19 positive cases to schools. I have had several questions from parents and staff and thought it would be of benefit to send this to all members of our school community.

Customized school exposure notifications
In terms of how Fraser Health communicates school exposures, beginning Saturday, December 5, they will be tailoring the messages within their early notification letters so that individuals will have a clearer sense of their exposure level.

Overview of the new early notification process
Once Fraser Health has received a positive lab result of a student or staff member and it is confirmed the individual(s) attended school during their infectious period, Fraser Health will provide the school with three customized early notification letters (letters described below).

 Fraser Health will also provide the identity of the case (not for public knowledge, just to school administration) so that schools can look up the person’s school attendance records and ensure the letters are distribution to the appropriate groups. (See scenarios below to understand how this will work.) 

Scenario #1 (most situations): If the case attended or worked in a specific class or classes during their infectious period. You will send two letters:

·         Early Notification – Exposed

o   This letter will get sent to the class/cohort that may have been exposed to the case (for example the class or cohort where the case was located based on attendance records).

·         Early Notification – Not Exposed

o   This letter will be sent to the rest of the school community (i.e. anyone who is not part of the class/cohort where the case was located).

Scenario #2 (minority of situations): If the case is not part of a specific class or cohort (for example, a specialist teacher, school counselor or SLP who sees students from multiple classes or cohorts), only one letter will be sent.

·         Early Notification - General

o   This letter will be sent to the entire school community where the case is not associated with a specific cohort. This letter informs staff, students and parents of a general school exposure.

 I hope that this clarifies the new process. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

With assurance for my continued prayers for your family’s health,
God bless,

C. Heah