Need Inspiration? Check out Our Grade Seven Testimonials

Need to feel inspired and know that God is at work at CCS?  Read these testimonials from our Grade Seven students after their NET Ministries retreat this week…

“Something that impacted me most was when we started praying.  When my leader put his hand on my shoulder I didn’t feel uncomfortable or scared, I felt peace and comfort and praying went smoothly.”

“It felt like God was right beside me.  When my group leader was praying with me I felt so special.  I feel I grew closer to God.”

“The prayer felt really comforting inside and I felt a great deal of pressure come out of me.”

“When we prayed in the Church… I have never felt so graseful and so inspired in my life.”

“It’s so amazing how they travel around the world together to evangelize children and they love it.  I was inspired by them to join NET when I am older.”

“It impacted me because I think I grew closer to God in just the 30 minutes of praying time than in the entire rest of my life.”

“What struck me most is when we went into the Church because when I’ve gone to Church before it has always felt like walking in a building, but this time it felt like I was welcomed with open arms and it felt comforting.”

“Everytime I go to Mass it feels like a normal Mass, but this time I let God into my heart and it was really deep for me.”

“I think it impacted me because they were so willing to hear what I had to say.”

“Their stories impacted me because I could see that I had the same struggles as them.  Knowing that I wasn’t the odd one out or that I wasn’t the only one with this problem made me feel good about myself.”

“It gave me a sense of belonging and I felt that all the weight I was carrying went away.”

“I felt that God was really there and he spoke to me!  I have never had that kind of connection with the Father like that.  When I prayed with my group leader she explained who I am.  She touched my heart with the words she said while she prayed with me.”

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