Monthly Lice Checks Cancelled

The last few times that our public health nurse from Fraser health has come to the school, she has been here during lice check and has suggested that lice checks are something we stop doing.

The Public Health Nurse says that although head lice can be a nuisance, they have not been shown to spread disease.  As such, it should be in the hands of the parents to check their children. Also, when lice are discovered on a child at school, it does not take long for the other students to find out about it. This makes the children feel uncomfortable and insecure and sometimes leads to teasing. This coupled with the fact that parent participation in the lice check program has been the lowest it has ever been are the reasons we will no longer have monthly lice checks.  

Personal hygiene or cleanliness in the home or school has nothing to do with getting head lice.  Please be diligent in checking your child for head lice. For more information on how to check your child for head lice please go to the Fraser Health Authority