Missions Week Oct. 29 to Nov. 2

Next Week is Missions Week at CCS!

Our mission at CCS is to “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)” Next week we are planning activities to help the students grow in their understanding and love of missions! Below are the activities planned. Be sure to plan ahead for Thursday’s “Saint Dress Up” day…

Monday, Oct. 29

Theme: Missionaries in Today’s World

Question: What is a missionary?

Activity: Guest speaker from NET Ministries will visit all classes.

Tuesday, Oct. 30

Theme: Sharing

Question: What can I share to help?

Activity: Mr. Borkowski will visit classes to talk about CHALICE. Students will choose CHALICE items from Christmas Catalogue.

Wednesday, Oct. 31

Theme: Prayer

Question: How can I support missions?

Activity: Assembly - Living Rosary

Thursday, Nov. 1

Theme: Saints

Question: Who are missionary role models?

Activity: Saint Dress Up Day- Students will dress up as a favourite saint

Friday, Nov. 2

Theme: Sacraments

Question: What do you want of me Lord?

Activity: School Mass