March 20 Update from Mr. Borkowski

Good Evening CCS Families and Friends,

I hope this message finds you all healthy and safe at home with your families.  It is a very trying time to be sure, but there are worse things than being couped up at home with loved ones.  I wish to especially thank all the parents in our school who are working on the front lines of the battle with COVID-19 at this time.  We have many health professionals and well as emergency and safety personnel among our school families.  You are truly heroes and are in all of our prayers.  When this is all over, I owe each of you a Coke.

While I don't have a great deal of new news, I would like to share what I do know:

1) Students will not be returning to regular on-site classes on March 30th.

2) Our April Workbee is cancelled.

3) The teachers of CCS are very eager to plan and build online learning opportunities for your children.  While I cannot promise it will be the same as going to regular classes, I can assure you that the same level of effort and professionalism will be committed to online learning as regular classes.  We have a lot of exciting plans but need to develop them more firmly before announcing anything.

4) The Ministry of Education and our Superintendent's Office will have a comprehensive FAQ to share with schools and families sometime next week.

If you are looking for something to inspire and bring comfort during this challenging period, I highly recommend the video series The Chosen.  It is the best movie about Jesus I have seen in years and has been a highlight of the past week for my family.  You can see it by clicking here.

Please be assured of my prayers tonight and always,
