March 13 Corona Virus Update

CCS Parents,

It has been the strangest week I can remember.  News surrounding the spread of the Corona Virus seems to be coming by the minute.  

As of right now, school is open on Friday, March 13th.  Due to the recent suggestion by the Ministry of Education to avoid gatherings of more than 250, we will not have a school Mass tomorrow.  We will continue to encourage good respiratory and handwashing hygiene tomorrow.  School will be dismissed for Spring Break at the usual time of 3 pm.  

At this point, we have not been told that schools will not reopen as expected on Monday, March 30th.  It would be prudent, however, for families to prepare for the possibility of an extended Spring Break, just in case.   

Please continue to pray for those impacted directly and indirectly by this pandemic.  May the Holy Spirit bring us all peace of heart and mind. 

Mr. Jason Borkowski