Looking for Host Families for NET Ministries Guests

NET Canada is looking for host homes in (ideally) the local Cloverdale area for dates listed below.

It really is a delight to have them stay with you - they bring a lot of joy and enthusiasm.  For the most part they are also pretty self sufficient.

Missionaries come in pairs, or a group of three.  They are out for the day, usually departing about 7:30 and returning home about 6 pm.  They will keep you well informed as to their schedule.

What they need:  a place to sleep; a bed, couch, air mattress. . They do have their own sleeping bags and pillows if you prefer for them to use.  They need to be fed; breakfast, packed lunch and dinner.  For breakfast and lunch they just need to have some options provided and they will prepare for themselves.  Dinner is appreciated to be an opportunity to be hospitable and share stories.  They are also self sufficient in transportation, you will not be required to drive at all.

Host homes are an important part of their ministry and your support, generosity and hospitality are greatly appreciated.  

#1. I am needing hosting for the three ladies of the Vancouver NET team from Feb 11th-22nd in the Cloverdale area.

#2  We are also looking for host homes for the travelling team members, Team #5 (5 women, 4 men in total) while they are in your area for retreats. You could take your pick of hosting women or men and I have two different time slots that could work for your location:

Feb 10th-Feb 14th


Feb 16th-Feb 19th

Thank you for considering!

For more information please contact Heather Squires hsquires@cloverdalecatholicschool.ca