PEC Minutes - January 2018

Minutes of Parish Education Committee Meeting – January 16, 2018

A.     Call to order

  • Meeting Called to Order at 7:05 PM
  • Present:  Jason Borkowski, Father Chu, Megan Bolton, Chris Brant, Deborah Harms, Jennifer Friesen, Jacqueline Johnson, and Layna Neilson.
  • Absent: Luisa Cenedese.

B.     Opening Prayer

  • Opening Prayer led by Megan Bolton.

C.     Review of the December 12, 2017 Minutes

  • The December 12, 2017 meeting minutes were approved by email.

D.     Discussion Items

1.      Vice-Chair’s Update:

  • Copies of the documents Megan received at the CISVA AGM and which were reviewed at a past PEC meeting will be kept with the PEC minutes so PEC members can review as necessary.

2.      Principal’s Update

  • Staffing:
    • We hired Mrs. Cheryl Hosein as our new Grade Three teacher.  She began on January 8th.
    • We hired Mr. Nigel Wey as our new grade 6 teacher.
    • We also hired Mr. Michelle Frankenburger Fletcher as a new Educational Assistant for the remainder of the year.
  • New Students:
    • We have a number of new students who started on January 8th.  We now have 308 students, just 3 shy of our record high a couple years ago.
  • P.A. System:
    • We have 3 quotes for the new PA system.  Jason has reviewed the quotes and has done research.  He presented the quotes and recommended one of the systems that would meet all our current and future needs.  Layna made a motion to purchase the system from PJS Systems for $25,510.90 and Jacqueline seconded.   All in favor and none opposed.  Jason will contact the company, and we are hoping for installation during spring break.
  • Kindergarten Enrollment
    • In the event that we have a high number of families interested in registering for kindergarten for the 2018-19 school year we will have to consider our options regarding classrooms.   We currently do not have enough room for 2 kindergarten classrooms; however we do not want to have to turn away families.   Once registration has begun we will have a better idea of how many students we will have and discussions regarding classroom alignment will need to be added to the PEC agenda.

3.      Financial Report

  • The budget was reviewed and is on track for a balanced year.

4.      Family Service Update

  • There will be OnVolunteer training tomorrow, January 17th, with Dionisio.
  • In order to allow parents to become more familiar with the online reporting the deadline for submitting Term One hours has been extended to January 19th.  Families who have not submitted their hours by then will have their cheques cashed on Monday January 22nd.  All other cheques will be shredded in the office; however parents wishing to have their cheques returned can pick them up in the office by January 24th.

5.      Maintenance Update

  • Rob Feldhaus has offered to coordinate the paving project for the sidewalk in the drop off zone. 
  • The old round wooden tables from the parish center will be donated to Father Mark.
  • Cleaning of the statues will be added to the regular maintenance schedule.  When the red paint was washed off after the vandalism incident it became apparent that the statues are in need of regular cleaning.
  • There was no work bee in January.  The next work bee will be February 3rd.

6.      Parent Fundraising Group (PFG) Update

  • Although final numbers are not yet finalized it appears the Fitness-a-thon raised less than in previous years.
  • The Christmas concert concession also raised less than in past years, possibly due to the fact the many parents left after the primary portion of the concert rather than purchasing snacks during the intermission and then returning for the remainder of the concert.
  • The Tree Chipping was a success and made $650
  • The Auction is scheduled for April 14th at Sunrise Banquet hall.  We plan to have tickets sales online through the school website.

7.      Secretary Update

  • The list of PEC Action Items was reviewed and updated.
  • Parking lot safety was discussed.   Jason will remind parents of our parking lot rules and will also speak to students.  A number of years ago a safety assessment was done and recommendations for parking lot rules were made.  Jason will look into an updated safety assessment.

E.      Closing Prayer

  • Led by Megan Bolton.

F.      Meeting Adjourned

  • Meeting adjourned at 8:48 PM following the in-camera session.
  • The next PEC meeting will be Tuesday February 13th at 7pm.