Inclement Weather procedures

Please be reminded of the following procedures for snow days:

1) Any school closures will be communicated by 7:00am via the REMIND app. Once again, to sign up for the REMIND app, click the following links for instructions:
Family Names A to H: Click Here
Family Names I to M: Click Here
Family Names N to S: Click Here
Family Names T to Z: Click Here

2) Closures will also be posted on the school website on the home page by 7:00am. 

3)Please do not call the school to ask if school is closed as nobody picks up phones until 8:00am. 

Typically, the Surrey catholic school administrators connect the morning of and decide together if schools will be closed. We try to be consistent unless there are varying amounts of snow and some schools can be operational. If school is open on a day that it is snowing, please do not feel obliged to drive in the snow if you don’t feel safe doing so.