In the Event of Heavy Snowfall...

In the event of heavy snow please check the school website first for news of school closure. It is our hope to be open everyday, but when it is unsafe to ask everyone to come to school, we will close for the day. The decision to close would posted on the website by 7am. Following posting on the website, it will also be communicated via email, Facebook, Class Dojo, and on CKNW 980.

Some one asked me why we close on snow days when public schools do not. As an independent school our students come from a far wider area than typical public school. Cloverdale Catholic School has students from Cloverdale, Sullivan Heights, Panorama Ridge, South Surrey, Langley, and North Delta.

Even if school is open, please only come if you feel it is safe to do so. Do not take risks with your family’s safety just for a day of school. We will all be very understanding and respect your decision.

Take care and enjoy the snow!

Mr. Borkowski

AnnouncementJason Borkowski