Fitness-a-thon Payments

Fitness-a-thon today was amazing!  Rain and mud couldn’t stop our students and staff from exercising up a storm of their own!  In addition to a great day of fitness, today has been a very good day for school fundraising.  As of our last check we were just short of our goal.  Please continue to solicit pledges from friends, neighbours, and family members.  We have already begun work on some of our projects.  We have new lights in the gym and have called companies for quotes on a new sidewalk.  We really need your support to make our goals a reality.

It’s now time to start bringing in that pledge money.  Many of you have taken advantage of our online donation platform.  This is a great way to submit your donation rather than sending in loose money or cheques.  Using our online donation platform you are immediately issued a tax receipt rather than having to wait.  If you are sending in cash or cheques to the school office, please make sure it is in a clearly marked envelope.  Monies must be submitted by Friday, October 27th in order to be eligible for the prize draw on Wednesday, November 1st.

Thanks for all of your support of our Fitness-a-thon!

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