First Day Feedback

Dear Parents,

It was wonderful to see the children back again! Please take note of a few items that came up today after our first drop off and pick up of the year.

1) Students must be dropped off at the gate. Due to current COVID 19 health and safety regulations, parents are not permitted to enter the school grounds. Please know that your children are safe to be dropped off anytime after 8:30am. They know where to go once the first bell rings and their teachers will be out to greet them and bring them in. There is staff supervision outside so if any student cannot find their line up, help is there. We recognize that due to the change in primary drop off area, there may be some anxiety for primary parents as their child(ren) go to play and line up, but please know that they are safe and well-cared for. A map of the line up areas was emailed home to you so that you could review it with your child.

2) Students will be waiting on the field after school for parents to pick them up. Again, please refrain from entering the school property. Students will be dismissed when they see their parents at the gate.

3) Please us the crosswalk: There were a lot of students and parents who were not using the crosswalk this morning and after school. Our lot is very busy and we don’t want anyone hurt.

4) Please pull forward in the drive through to avoid congestion. If one car stops without pulling forward it creates a chain reaction. With all students being dropped off at the school this year, it will be even more important that there is an efficient flow of traffic.

5) I have received many letters of permission for students in Grade 6 and 7 to wait at the parish center for their ride after school. Thank you to those parents that have done so, and for those who have not yet done so, please know that your child will not be able to wait unsupervised at the parish center without this permission. The students are under our care after school, and since the parish center is not part of the school property, students cannot wait there without parental permission.

5) Masks- please send your child to school with a mask- we do have some in the office for students who have forgotten to bring theirs, but we are trying to limit how many we give out to keep costs down.

Today was a great day! We had our virtual back to school assembly for the students and everyone looked excited to be back! If there are any questions you have or anything that you would like to talk about, please don’t ever hesitate to contact me! Thank you for your understanding and patience during these challenging times- know that everything we have in place is for the safety and concern of our students.

God bless,

C. Heah

Clive Heah