Friday Feed - May 19


“Seeking Truth, Healing and Reconciliation”

Parent Memo for the upcoming week of
May 22-26, 2023

Next Week’s Events:


Monday, May 22- Victoria Day

Tuesday, May 23
Grade 4 to Fort Langley
2:00pm- Chris Bray visits CCS
6:30pm- Chris Bray concert for all families

Wednesday, May 24
Knights of Columbus Track and Field Meet

Thursday, May 25
7:00pm- Zoom meeting for incoming Kindergarten parents

Friday, May 26- Maryn and Bodhi Bueno are Principals for the Day!
9:00am- School Mass led by Grade 2

Saturday, May 27- Kids for Christ camps

Upcoming Important Dates:

May 22- Victoria Day, NO SCHOOL
May 23- Chris Bray concert for students during the day and families at night!
May 24- Knights of Columbus Track meet
May 25- Incoming Kindergarten parents’ meeting
June 2- Flag Football tournament at OLA
June 9- Pro-D Day
June 12- CISVA Track and Field Meet, Day 1
June 15- CISVA Track and Field Meet, Day 2
June 16- Fun Day!- Noon Dismissal
June 20- Year End awards assembly
June 22- Parent Appreciation Event (2:00pm- 3:00pm)
June 23- Grade 7 Farewell
June 27- Last day of school- Noon dismissal

Important Information

  • Yearbooks- Please follow the link to order. Deadline is June 9.

    Yearbook ID: 14526123

  • Uniforms- Please remember to place orders by June 15th to have guaranteed delivery for September

  • PLease join us next Thursday, May 23 at 6:30pm for an evening of praise and worship with Chris Bray! Children and parents welcome! Free snack and drinks provided.

  • 2023/2024 Year at a Glance- Tentative YAG. All Pro-D days and non-instructional days/ holidays are confirmed except January Staff retreat date (as soon as it is confirmed I will let families know.)

  • Chris Bray- Join us on Tuesday, May 23 at 6:30pm as Chris performs by himself and with our choir and tells stories of being an ambassador for Chalice. Event is free for families and there will be drinks and snacks provided.

  • Talent Show- Talent Show submissions to Mr. Heah! See Blog from May 8 with information.

  • Kids for Christ Camps- Kids for Christ- School Based, is inviting your child(ren) to Junior & Senior Kids  Day Camp on May 27, 2023, Saturday at CCS Gym. On that day, Junior Kids day ( K- Grade 3) starts at 8:30 AM and ends at 12:00 and the Senior Kids camp ( Grade 4- 7) starts at 1:00 PM till 9:00PM.

    On this special day, you and your children (ages 4-12) will have an opportunity to experience sessions and  activities for the whole family that are Christ-centered in nature. The sessions will teach the kids about who  Jesus Christ is and help them to foster their own personal relationship with Christ.

    Please contact Mrs. Hosein for more information to register for the camp.  Thank you and God Bless.

  • PEC elections are on May 28. If you are interested in running for a spot on the committee, please complete the nomination form and submit to the parish office no later than May 18.

  • Sun protection- As the weather starts to get warm and sunny please ensure that your child is ready for the weather. Water bottle, hats, sunscreen are important, especially for those students who take part in track and field.

  • Parent Participation:

    Less than two weeks left to complete your parent participation hours!  There are plenty of vacant volunteer tasks such as traffic supervisor, lunch supervision and crossing guard available. Follow the link below to sign up today.

    Non completion rates are as follows: $30 per missing regular hour and $60 per missing maintenance hour. Families who have not completed their hours will be billed June 15, 2023

    Friendly reminder to submit your ad hoc tasks within ONE month of the task in order for it to be approved.  Anything past that date, will be approved at the discretion of the coordinator.  Any Ad hoc tasks for the 2022-2023 school year must be submitted BEFORE May 31, 2023, else they
    will not be counted.

    For help with logging onto the onVolunteers website, reach out to:


    Maintenance Hours Countdown - Deadline May 31st!

    - All 6 maintenance hours must be completed AND submitted through On Volunteers by May 31st

    Final two workbees of 2022/2023 are May 6 and May 27

    -THERE ARE NO SCHEDULED WORKBEES IN JUNE and any maintenance work done after May 31 counts towards the 2023/2024 school year.  Sign up for workbees through On Volunteers 
    Summer Maintenance Program

    - Get your maintenance hours completed before school starts in September!

    - We are hoping to have a team of parents who commit to helping keep our grounds neat and tidy over the summer. This involves committing to weeding and watering a section of the parish and school grounds at least once a week over the summer months (accomodations can be made for vacation time)

    - If you are interested in being part of the Summer Maintenance Program, please email


    Less than two weeks left to complete your parent participation hours!  There are plenty of vacant volunteer tasks such as traffic supervisor, lunch supervision and crossing guard available. Follow the link below to sign up today.

    Non completion rates are as follows: $30 per missing regular hour and $60 per missing maintenance hour. Families who have not completed their hours will be billed June 15, 2023

    Friendly reminder to submit your ad hoc tasks within ONE month of the task in order for it to be approved.  Anything past that date, will be approved at the discretion of the coordinator.  Any Ad hoc tasks for the 2022-2023 school year must be submitted BEFORE May 31, 2023, else they
    will not be counted.

    For help with logging onto the onVolunteers website, reach out to

  • Parent Fundraising Group Weekly Memo



    Sunday, June 4th, 2023- 10am-2pm -CCS GYM

    SHOP gently loved children’s clothing, toys, books, baby equipment & more. Newborn to 13 years.

    SELL your lightly used pieces. Limited spaces available. $20/table.
    To reserve a table:


    DONATE your items to the PFG Table. Kat our fabulous PFG member will be collecting donations every Wednesday and Friday at the church center after school until June 2.

    Need more info- email

    Watch for next years calendar of events and fundraisers coming soon! 


    SCHOOL WEBSITE UNDER COMMUNITY à  PFG à This page list and links you to all our current and ongoing fundraisers. 

    CCS FACEBOOK PAGE – Post regular and important events.

  • From the Parish:

    Weekly bulletin

Thank you for your continued support!
God Bless,

Mr. Heah and Mrs. Krammer