CCS Wellness Day, Wednesday, April 24

Mental health and wellness is an area of overall health that we too often ignore.  There persists an idea that if we “suck it up” and “push through”, we can overcome stress, anxiety, and depression.  These myths are harmful to ourselves and to our children.  Based on my 20 years as an educator, I can see how mental health and wellness are increasingly important.  We need to equip our children with the tools they need to manage their mental health.

To help address these issues, our school is hosting its first ever “CCS Wellness” Day on Wednesday, May 24th.  The day will include classroom activities on these issues and a visit from Lindsay Sealey.  Lindsay is a life coach and mentor to young girls.  She has been featured on television and online and is the author of several books including her 2017 title Growing Strong Girls.  Parents are welcomed to join in on her sessions taking place from 1-3pm in the gym.

To make the day just a little more fun and relaxed, this will also be a non-uniform day.  I’m looking forward to celebrating Wellness with you and your families.