CCS Virtual Talent Show!

Dear Parents,

It is that time of the year that we are starting the process of putting together our CCS T.I.G.G .Talent Show. T.I.G.G. stands for Talent Is God’s Gift. We have decided to keep our talent show virtual, as it allows for more diversity of talents to be showcased. Many talents cannot be done here in person. It also allows for the talent show to be shared and viewed by everyone. I will be collecting all talent show submissions to my email address Since video files are large, it would be best to upload them to your google or cloud account and then share that with me. Emailing a large video file will not work. If you prefer to put it onto a USB stick and bring it to me that way, that works as well.

The talent show is open to all grades, and we ask, as always, that:

  • Acts are to be no longer than 3 minutes

  • All music is appropriate (any songs with inappropriate language will not be accepted)

  • Dress for talent show is modest- if unsure please check with me first.

  • Students must choose to do an individual act or a group act. Due to the number of entries that are submitted, we cannot have students submit multiple acts.

Entries are due no later than June 3, to allow enough time for me to make the video in time for the last week of school.

Finally, Precious Blood Parish is pleased to celebrate our Feast Day on Sunday, June 19th.  To commemorate the occasion, there will be a Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast with an in-person CCS talent show 12:00 pm-1:00 p.m. on the day.  If you are entering a video in the CCS filmed talent show please consider performing for the parish's feast day.  When sending an email to inform me that you want to be scheduled for the PBP Corpus Christi Talent show.  We will only be able to accommodate enough acts for one hour.

Once again, we look forward to seeing all the talent that we have in our school! It is a great opportunity for students who are too shy to perform in person, to submit a video of their talent! If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to contact me.

God bless,

C. Heah

Clive Heah