April 3 Update from Mr. Borkowski


Thank you so much for your response to the pickup of materials over the past two days.  Most packages have been picked up already.  Those of you who have not picked up your packages will be getting a reminder email from your classroom teachers.  You may pick up your child’s necessary learning materials package from the back of the Church as soon as possible.  The Church is open from 10 am to 4 pm daily.

Online Learning begins on Monday.  Please be sure you have reviewed the letter you received from your classroom teacher so you can help your child get started.  We all need to be patient as we begin to take on this new challenge.  There will be glitches, both human and technological.  We will make this work, but we have to maintain a collaborative team approach.

Known Technology Issues

1)      Zoom video- teachers will be using Zoom for at least some of their lessons and class meetings.  If you have never used Zoom before, click here for a short and easy tutorial that will help you get started.

2)      Borrowed Chromebooks- if you borrowed a Chromebook from the school, you may have difficulty accessing certain videos and apps.  This is because we have the restrictions set to “super safe” here at school.  Unfortunately, this has limited some capabilities.  I am trying to have those restrictions loosened for home use and I will keep you informed.

3)      CCS Chromebooks require a @cloverdalecatholicschool.ca account to use.  If your child is in an intermediate grade, they will have their own email and password.  If your child is in primary, they will use a generic username and password to login: 3@cloverdalecatholicschool.ca with the password “CC$students”

4)      It would be a good idea to test all apps and passwords ahead of time so you can be sure every works and learning won’t be interrupted

Finally, please do visit our school website to check out the daily Angelus and Announcements.  Although we are online, we are still a community of faith.

Thank you for your support and participation. Our kids will remember how hard we tried to make the best of our current challenges.


Mr. Jason Borkowski
