April 1 Update from Mr. Borkowski


I hope this email finds to all healthy and safe at home.  Below are some details to help with the days ahead…

Online Learning

The teachers have been working feverishly over the past weeks to prepare for online learning.  They each have a plan in place and will do their best to provide your children with the best education possible.  There will be challenges, so your patience and perseverance during the first few weeks will be vital.  You can expect to receive an email from your child’s teacher today with an explanation of how their online learning program will work.

Pickup of Student Materials

I have received several questions regarding the pickup of student materials.  I want to reassure everyone that we have followed best practices in terms of washing hands and wearing gloves when necessary.  Still, if you want to minimize any potential risks, you may wish to avoid handling the materials you will be bringing home for a couple of days. 

We are also going to be very careful in terms of social/physical distancing during the pickup.  Though I will be at the school, I will not stay outside to oversee the pickup.  I will arrive early in the morning to put the materials outside in alphabetical order.  If the weather is sunny, I will put them on the drop-off zone sidewalk where you can get out, grab your bags, and drive away.  If it is raining, the materials will be placed along the school building under the overhanging roof.  If you wish to borrow a Chromebook, you will have to park and walk towards the school office door, where I will have a tent and table with Chromebooks for you to sign out.   I will try to be in my office and you can knock if you have any questions.

Since we have divided up the school families, only 50 or so families will be coming to pick up materials in each 4-hour window.  If you are uncomfortable because there are people in the area, please wait in your car until you feel comfortable picking up your things.  There is no need to rush or act outside of your personal comfort zone.  If this still causes you to feel unsafe, please contact me and I will arrange something for you.

Future Pickups

We still do not know how long this will go on.  At this point, some of the teachers have packed up all the students’ belongings and materials.  Others have only packed what is needed for online learning.  We will have a better idea of the necessity of another pickup date in a few weeks. 

Maintaining Community

One of our primary goals, while we are separated from one another, is to maintain a sense of community and belonging.  Teachers will post videos and will eventually host online live events, meetings, and lessons.  I am posting daily Angelus and Announcement Videos on the school’s webpage.  I am also planning to do some online events to commemorate Holy Week next week.  Please take advantage of these opportunities to stay connected.

I apologize for the long email!  I have tried to date to keep you informed without overwhelming you with information.  I will stay in touch and please feel free to write or call with any questions you have.


Mr. Jason Borkowski


Families with a last name starting with A to F will pick up on Thursday, April 2nd, from 8am to noon.

Families with a last name starting with G to M will pick up on Thursday, April 2nd, from noon to 4pm.

Families with a last name starting with N to S will pick up on Friday, April 3rd, from 8am to noon.

Families with a last name starting with T to Z will pick up on Friday, April 3rd, from noon to 4pm.